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.. It was not a nice day to be waken up by the sun shining him. The sun rose slowly, shining the blonde boy like star, he isn't anymore.

Today, Tsukasa has a rehearsal in Wonderlands x Showtime. Emu, Nene and Rui are probably waiting for him at the Phoenix Wonderland.

He didn't want to go there and practice with the person who blocked him last night. He wanted to rest.

At 11.29a.m., Nene's calling. He didn't want to answer it. And then Emu, he still got no motivation. Even Rui called him, oh wait, he didn't.

Now he finds himself laying on the bed, 12.23p.m. Time really flies that fast. The rehearsal started at 11.30a.m. Now it's almost 12.30p.m. He would like just stay in his room to sleep forever and wouldn't wake up anymore.

At 2.16p.m., Tsukasa finally had the motivation to pick the phone up. He saw that there were many missed calls. 4 times missed call from Nene, 7 times missed calls from Emu. Woah, they can call that much in a minute.

Tsukasa put down his phone aside. He didn't feel hungry or thirsty but tired, yet, he can't sleep too. He just wanted to disappear but he's too scared to do.

His room was still messy, with papers works tore apart, chairs were broken, even his bathroom. Smashed mirror, toothbrush and toothpaste which was already on the floor.

He doesn't want to go out anymore, he didn't want to be manipulated, used and being tricked anymore.

The years he had been go through.. couldn't be worse than being used by his best friend, Rui. He might be suspicious about Nene, Emu and others, especially Akito.

His heart was already broke into small pieces, he didn't want to break himself too. He wanted care, not betray.

"I don't even know should I live like that forever."

He mumbled himself, sighing in stress. Tsukasa didn't want to live like that too, who even wants to have friends like that?

A sudden of stomachache from Tsukasa which wasn't from hunger has been hurting him for almost half of an hour.

He curled up into a ball, hope it can ease the pain. But it didn't seems to stop the pain. Tsukasa decided to go outside, yet his room is as messy as his hair, and he don't want anyone, including Saki to check up his room.

He tried to clean up the mess, but the stomachache keep hurting him. The blonde boy couldn't stay and leave the mess behind because a small pain. He continues to clean uo the mess, maybe a clean environment can make him feel better.

He finally finished the mess up. Congratulations, Tsukasa. You've done something impossible. He got some motivation after the clean up. He changed up his pajamas to a casual wear, not the fishy outfit anymore.

Tsukasa has not gotten his lunch yet, so he decided to go outside. As he lock the door, he met Akito.


"Good afternoon, Tsukasa-senpai. You woke pretty late today."

"Sorry, my bad. I overslept."

"Have you ate your lunch yet?"


"Me too. Do you want to go to the cafe and have lunch together?"

"No thanks, Akito."

Tsukasa didn't want to make friends anymore.

"Ah.. Okay then."

"Shouldn't you go with Toya?"

"He's busy with his father."


Again, the stomachache hurt Tsukasa. Tsukasa had to whimper in pain without making anyone worried.

"Tsukasa-senpai? Are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine."

Akito raised an eyebrow, seeming suspicious about Tsukasa.

"You look not."

"I'm totally fine."

"Shut up, you're not."

"I'm really-"

"No more excuses, I'm bringing you to the clinic."

Akito grabbed Tsukasa's wrist (again) as he brought him to the nearest clinic.

"Hey, get off my hand! I'm super duper fine!"

"Then tell me what happened."

"I-I don't know! It hurts me randomly."


Akito was full of questions marks after Tsukasa told him. They were on the streets, probably on the way to the clinic.

While on the other side of the road, a purple with blue streaks teenager kept watching them like a pervert. Maybe he hate him, or maybe he still want him back.

Rui's childhood friend, Mizuki also looks at Tsukasa sometimes. He thought that Mizuki is in love with the blonde, even though they didn't even like him.

"Where are you even looking at?"
Said Mizuki.

".. Nothing."
Rui answered.

"Are you sure?"
Mizuki had to confirm.

Rui replied.

"I'm going to meet Ena then. Hope you meet Nene."
Mizuki stood up from the bench, walking towards to a cafe.

Rui nodded but he didn't even listened to Mizuki, he kept staring at Tsukasa and Akito. He also wishes Nene can come here and hang out with her.

Rui used to love Tsukasa, but now he's used him to get Nene's attention... How pathetic. He stayed still, keep watching at them afar. Is he stalking? Is he watching? I don't know.

After a few minutes, his eyes took off from Tsukasa, starting to leave as in going to the Phoenix Wonderland. At the same time, Akito gave up as they hang together.

After a very very very.. Long time, Tsukasa came back home at 10p.m. His sister is already on her bed asleep. Tsukasa went into his room as he sat on his bed.

"Atleast today was fun."

He mumbled under his mouth, now getting ready to sleep. As he changed into his pajamas, his phone vibrated.

A message from Mizuki.

"It's been 10p.m., why would they message me?"

He opened the message, it said:

hey tsukasa be aware from rui from now


he was watching you for almost an hour from other street bro didnt you notice him??

Why would he stare at me? Didn't he blocked me?

nvm you don't understand

Tell me please
I need to know!

As soon Mizuki randomly disappear from the chat, he felt confused. Why would Rui stare at him? Didn't he hate him?

Tsukasa didn't want to know more as well. He just don't want people to stalk him like a pervert. As soon he went to sleep, pretending like nothing happened.

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