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I thought of a way to make an accurate tail to my theriotype but I have to have yarn and a bunch of different shades of gray colors and a comb. I have a couple different combs I can use actually so I don't really need those but I can't quite explain how I'm going to make it, when I'm done with it though I'll try to explain.

I have to go, updates later!

I have dance tonight:/

I was looking for an isle in a store to film quads but there were too many people in the store :(

I also have an idea to make a new mask for myself but I have to buy a bunch of stuff including a cat mask and my mom would never let me buy one because "it doesn't have a use" I would definitely use it- 

Anyway yeah, If anything interesting happens in dance I'll let you all know :)


My Therian JournalTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon