The problem isn't what, the problem is who

Start from the beginning

"Isaac only thinks about music and hockey, I swear. He's been like that since we were little. If he could marry his hockey stick, he would."

As the bell rang, signaling the end of the meeting, the Unholy Trinity rose from their seats and began to walk through the bustling hallways. People instinctively moved aside, a remnant of the fear inspired by the days of slushie attacks, even though the assaults had ceased.

"You guys are so cute. Seriously, you're like a fairy tale come true. I can't wait for you to get married."

Quinn laughed softly, her heart warmed by her friend's words, as she opened her locker to find a delicate paper flower waiting for her. With a smile, she took the flower as she tucked away her books.

"Oh, spare me. How does he do it?" Santana snorted as she reached out to take the flower.

"I asked him once, and he told me that he had his ways."

Suddenly, they noticed Finn approaching them with a shy smile, "And that's our sign to leave," her friend declared, taking her girlfriend's hand from the opposite side and pulling Brittany away. "See you this afternoon at practice, bitch," she called over her shoulder as they made their exit, leaving Finn and her standing in the hallway.


"I was wondering if you wanted to run for Prom King and Prom Queen with me," the boy proposed, his expression marred by a slight grimace as he awaited her response.

"And your girlfriend?" Quinn countered, her skepticism evident in her gaze as she assessed him carefully. "Is Berry okay? She hates me."

"We're on a break," Finn explained with a shrug, his demeanor casual despite the underlying tension. "She said something about being inspired to write better when heartbroken or something." He offered a boyish smile, attempting to diffuse the seriousness of the conversation. "What do you say? For old times' sake."

"Finn, I love you, I really do. We dated and we're friends now, but when a girl says you're on a break, that doesn't give you a free pass to ask another girl to be your date for Prom."

"I talked to your boyfriend, and he said he agreed." The football player trailed behind her causing her to halt in her tracks and turn to face him with a furrowed brow.

"You've talked to who exactly? I don't have a boyfriend."

"I thought you and Isaac were dating," Finn frowned, his confusion evident in his expression. "Are you cheating on him?"

Quinn glanced around the hallway, ensuring no one was within earshot, before ushering them both into an empty classroom, "First of all," she began, "My slip-up with Puck was a mistake, and I know that's no excuse, but you cheated on me before with Berry, so you and I are at peace." She paused, allowing her words to sink in before continuing, "Second, Isaac and I are dating, and I haven't cheated on him. Why are you doing all this?"

"Okay, Scary Quinn." he raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, his tone tinged with amusement. "I'm not trying to win you over again. We'd just be forming some sort of alliance. If you don't trust me, call him."

Quinn retrieved her cell phone and dialed her boyfriend's number, her brow furrowing in concentration as she waited for him to pick up.

"Baby," Isaac's voice sounded slightly breathless through the phone, the sound of distant activity audible in the background.

"What are you doing?"

"Jay and I are hitting the gym with the team. Coach has us training hard now that the hockey season has started. Why were you calling me?" He asked, his interest piqued. "I was planning on picking you up this afternoon after cheer practice."

The Story of Us - Quinn FabrayWhere stories live. Discover now