(Meredith raises a hand.)

Bailey: Yes.

Meredith: You said five rules. That was only four. (Bailey's pager beeps).

Bailey: Rule number five. When I move, you move. (runs down the corridor, followed by the interns, yells at a few doctors blocking the hallway) Get out of my way!

(Daisy is able to keep up with Bailey quite easily due to her abilities, but she is going way too slow for Daisy's inner wolf to feel any amount of joy and excitement.)

(Cut to shot of a helicopter over the city, cut to the interns and Bailey moving a stretcher over to it, on the roof of the hospital.)

Bailey: What've we got?

Paramedic: (as Katie's put on the stretcher and taken in to the hospital) Katie Bryce, fifteen-year-old female, new onset seizures, intermittent for the past week, ID lost en route, started grand mal seizing as we descended.

Bailey: All right, get her on her side, Izzie, ten milligrams Diazepam, (we see Izzie about to inject the medicine in the wrong tube) no, no, the white lead is on the right, righty whitey, smoke over fire, a large bore I.V. don't let the blood haemolyse, let's go!

(Izzie injects her and she stops seizing. A new doctor, Preston Burke, enters, black, tall, young.)

Burke: So I heard we got a wet fish on dry land?

Bailey: Absolutely Dr. Burke.

Burke: Dr. Bailey, I'm gonna gun her.

Bailey: That means every test in the book, CT, CBC, chem. seven, tux screen, Cristina, you're on labs, George, patient workups, Meredith, get Katie for a CT, she's your responsibility now. Daisy you can go down to the pit and start on sutures, then do whatever else needs to be done or the nurses order you to do.

Izzie: Wait, what about me?

Bailey: You - honey, you get to do rectal exams.

(Cut to Izzie pulling on gloves and covering her fingers with gel.)

(Cut to Cristina peering into an operating room, where Bailey is.)

Bailey: What are you doing here?

Cristina: Um, Katie Bryce's labs came out clear, there's nothing in the results that explain her seizures, I just thought you'd wanna know.

Bailey: Okay. (goes to pull her mask back up and close the door)

Cristina: Ah, I - I heard every year the attending on call picks the best intern and, and lets them perform a procedure, during the first shift? (Bailey stares at her) I'm, I'm just saying it's what I heard...

Bailey: Go away. Now.

(Cut to George using a stethoscope.)

George: Yeah, sounds good.

Woman: He'll be fine? You'll be fine.

Patient: (smiling, lying back) If you don't count that my bacon days are over, sure.

George: You'll have surgery tomorrow with Dr. Burke, I hear he's good, and after that, you can have all of the bacon-flavoured soy product you can eat.

Patient: Mmm, kill me now.

George: I wish I could, but I'm a healer. (gets weird looks)

(Cut to Daisy helping out patients by suturing their wounds. She is also ordering labs, ordering tests, and writing charts on patients she has discharged or is going to discharge.)

(Cut to Meredith with Katie (on a bed) in an elevator.)

Katie: You're lost.

Meredith: I'm not lost. How are you feeling?

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