Smiles for Everyone 😀🏩

Comenzar desde el principio

"Today was good, hopefully tomorrow will be the sa-" I say, getting cut off by sirens outside of the construction site.

A booming voice goes over the sound of hammering and machinery. "All of you... Stop what you are doing. This is CEO of Smiling Critters... It appears that... Our property... Seems to be working here." They yell, and now everyone is paying attention to them.

"So... If you know any critters working here... Two of em', ones got orange fur, the others got purple. Bring them to me, or else this place will be in danger!" They boom, and everyone Immediately looks at us.

"Come on y'all..." CatNap whispers, and they shake their heads, and all point at us except for Josh and Jeremiah, who are looking at us in shock.

"Is that them? Take off your masks, now!" The man screams, and we slowly lift them off our faces. We begin to back up, nearing the edge of the tall mansion. "Look... We just want a normal life, like the rest of ya... Could we just... Be civilized about this? This is very... Humiliating." CatNap laughs.

"Put your hands up, and come'eer..." The CEO says. "I don't want it to be like this... Find other main characters.... Why us? I get that children all around the world know and love me and DogDay... But why can't you tell them to grow up a bit?" CatNap says.

We are getting very close to the edge, nearly about to fall off. "Look pal... Let us be..." CatNap says, "DogDay... Has seen a lot in his life... So have I... We have experienced trauma... Not that you... Care to much for that." CatNap smiles, "We're normal beings, like the rest of you. Look, there's another critter right there, and over there! We ain't the only ones in the world, we ain't no rare species. We used to be, but that was hundreds of years ago... Partner, Mister.... Please, we ain't tryna convince, or get you fired.... I know that you're doing your job, even though your the CEO... And you have... Full control over your choices with the company... Smiling Critters, that's a couple of months ago for us... I just wanna make it to 1996... Please..." CatNap... I'm pretty sure is pretending to shed a tear.

"Well my friend... Children need you two, they all need you. But if you ain't gonna be civilized bout' this..." The CEO says as he pulls out a gun, and so does CatNap.

They shoot at the same time... And it hits the CEO! "Nice shot... CatNap?" I say, as I quickly look over, and CatNap is holding his chest area.

"Here- quick.." He says as he passes me the gun, which I catch and fire a bullet toward the Smiling Critters workers.

I shoot a couple of them down, and drag CatNap into cover. There's yelling and screaming, and it all reminds me of the hour of joy...

I look down at Catnap, who is laying on the floor, covering his wound. I look up again, and shoot them again.

They all start backing out, because of the lack of armory. Except some of them who stay, who I easily shoot down, since they're stupid.

I get down on my knees and cry at the sight. "CatNap... Please... Wake up..." I say at shut eyes.

"Babe... There you are... I was scared for a moment... I couldn't... Ugh... See anything... My heart felt like it... Ow... I think it did stop beating..." CatNap laughs.

I put my hand in his chest, on top of his hand. "CatNap. Come on... We gotta go... More people are coming, the police are!" I say, crying.

"DogDay... I love you, a lot... You know that. I've had a lot happen to me in my life... A lot I haven't mentioned. When I was little, I saw you in the grocery store, you waved at me... Hah, I can remember the whole moment. You had all black on, and your dad was making you hurry along, and I saw him steal something... I did... But, you didn't, you told him it was a bad idea, and I smiled at that. A couple of years after that... My brother started having problems, with his asthma. I had to drive him to the hospital, at 14 years old... Luckily he taught me a bit before that, but I was still inexperienced. Police never expected anything, since I was still 5'8"... Anyway... I ain't gonna give you my whole backstory... I know my name... Arthur... I know it, and you don't... Now you will... Ow..." He says, with a tired voice.

"You're only... 27 CatNap... You have a long life ahead of you! Come on! Please..." I say through tears.

"Shh... Be quiet... Either bright warm light is awaiting me... Or a huge pit of fire... My name is MiaMiah Davis... I didn't tell you because I thought that the world would crash down on me... My brother said to not tell anyone my name... Because if I did, we would die... He was known around bad parts of the world, and if they recognized me as his brother, they would kill me... I'm being killed now... Everyone will eventually. Either if it's by nature, or a being such as themselves. It's the circle of life, it's meant to happen. God's plan, Arthur... It's God's plan..." He says, as life disappears from his eyes, and his hand falls limply from his chest.

"No... This isn't real... Please..." I say, crying my eyes away. Why is this happening? Why me?

"Argh! Alright, I'm fine, get your hands off me... DogDay! Come out here, or you'll turn to your friend!" The CEO yells. I get up, whiping my tears, and walk out into the open. I raise my hands, taking them out of my pockets.

I look at the beaming lights they have pointed my direction. "Okay... Take me away." I say, with a straight face. "That, we will do." They say.

I guess I'm going back... To children and stinky workers who don't really care about you.

MiaMiah... This isn't real... CatNap... No...

They slam the car door in my face, as I am currently in the back of a police car.

They drive off, drifting like mad men.

I look out the window, at the rain falling down, and the lit up windows of apartments and restaurants. The car eventually stops to a halt, and they violently get me out of the car.

"I was starting to miss you, DogDay. Trust me, I was." The CEO laughs, knowing that his paycheck just got ten times larger.

They push me into the glass doors of the entrance, and put me in an interview office.

"Hello, DogDay. It's been a while." The smile at me, "How... How aren't you dead?" I ask them, "I wasn't there for the hour... I felt bad for you all... I quit the job, but now I felt forced to join back... With a child-targeted company. I like children, I do... There's just a lot more options for work..." Who I know as Player. They called him that because he always, "played" risky moves.

"Alright... Tell me for... I guess protocol... Tell me your name and age before you can work here again." They say.

"Arthur Tannehill... 26 years old."

1950 words
Thank you all... So so much for reading this series so far. This was the last part of this book, and I'm just so grateful for every one of my readers, and my family and friends 🙏

Anyway, thank you all so much... I want to know, should I make a third book, just focused on DogDay? Or you could give me suggestions... Or should I just stop the series here?

Song of the book!

This is by my favorite artist! BoyWithUke 🎤🎙️my favorite song by him too. (Besides "Forget me.")

Pretend this is sung in CatNap's POV

Thank you! ❤️❤️❤️

Syzygy 🧡💜 [Solar Eclipse Book 2]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora