Smiles for Everyone 😀🏩

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DogDay POV:

Me and CatNap wake up, with a more eerie feeling than usual. "Cat... Do you feel... Weird? As well?" I ask him, "Yeah... Kind of." He replied.

We repeat the process of making coffee and breakfast, as we stretch and yawn. "Seriously, why do I feel like this?" I say, and CatNap shrugs.

We walk out our door, noticing how we have to be at our work by 11 AM. It is currently 8, so we have some time to spare. We decide on going to the Money-Square place again, since it was some of the best coffee we have had, except for mine, since CatNap says it's the best.

We get there, and the signature bell rings to tell workers we're here. "Alright, let's try something new this time." CatNap suggests, and I nod. We look at the menu, and choose the... Purple drink? I don't know.

"Lame name, who calls a purple drink' purple drink?" CatNap laughs. "I mean, it's the same color of you." I say, and he looks at himself, and sighs. "Oh yeah, my bad drink." He talks to a plastic cup.

We drink, and I notice how it smells like lavender, "It smells like lavender... Mm." I say, drinking it more. "You look like a white gay man in the Bobby cup aisle at Target." CatNap laughs, I look at him, "You're gay as well." I say, and he looks at me. "That's because you're just unbearabley cute, you changed my sexuality, ain't my fault I got bricked up when I saw you!" He whispers, and snickers. "Don't say that in public!" I whisper back, and he just keeps laughing.

"I'm sorry, it's just your face when I said that last part..." He says, trying to catch his breath. "Anyway, I finished my drink already, it was good." CatNap changes the topic.

"You finished?" I ask, "Dang bro, what else can you suck that hard?" I laugh at him, and he looks at me with a smirk... "You- nevermind." He giggles.

"Awe man." I joke, and he looks at me, "You truly are one fruity guy." He laughs. I smirk.
"Maybe because I'm orange... Like an orange..." I say, and CatNap looks at me, "There's no purple fruit that I know of, but there are orange ones, which is why imma eat you up later." CatNap pats my shoulder. "Bro- what?" I say quickly, and he laughs.

We converse through the walk, and eventually make it to the construction sight. "Well then, another day's work." CatNap says, and I nod.

We walk in, and go to the dressing stall once again. We walk out of it and see Josh and Jeremiah talking. "No I ain't gonna help you, get these guys again, they seemed to treat you well." Josh point at us. "Okay, fine. Come on y'all, we gotta work on the top again." He says with a sarcastic voice.

We grab two-by-fours, and begin the the roof of the floor we worked on yesterday. "Make sure to watch your step on these ladders, they're very.... Uh... Rickety." Jeremiah says. "I'll take your word for it." CatNap says as he climbs up a wooden ladder.

After climbing up the ladder, CatNap grabs a bunch of tiles, and some pipes for sewage and water. "Alright, coming down." CatNap says as he looks through the blueprints.

He climbs down, and hands some tiles to each of us, "It's says we gotta place them on the roof, since we've built some of that already, we gotta get that over with before we build more." CatNap informs. Me and Jeremiah nod, and we get to work.

We start by climbing onto the roof, and nailing the tiles one by one. Once we've finished, we gotta build the rest of the roof, then tiles, then roof, then tiles, and so on.

We get finished with that, and it's 8PM. "Alright... DogDay our shift is done, and so is yours Jeremiah..." CatNap says, catching his breath.

"Thank y'all, you two are certainly some good coworkers of mine." Jeremiah smiles, and we nod, and I pat his shoulder, "Any time man." I say, and CatNap nods. Jeremiah walks away, and me and CatNap go to the dressing stall to turn in our stuff.

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