Employed by Default 🔨🤝

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DogDay POV:

Me and CatNap go through the city, not mentioning the incident earlier.

"So... Where do you think we could find some money, and get a job?" I ask, "We could test out some easy things, if they pay too little, then we could move on to higher, harder things that pay more." CatNap responds.

"Yeah, but I don't wanna make our bodies go through too much, that's for sure." I say. "Yeah, you're right. Then we'll have to find something in the middle of those two." CatNap says.

We continue talking in the walk, flirting here and there, as usual.

We eventually find some work posters, all lined up on a wall. "LOOKING FOR WORK?" A sign above all of the posters had said.

"Well then, here we go." I say.

We scan the board, seeing the jobs and what they offer. "Hey Dayz... I think I got something." CatNap says, and I go over to him.

In his hands, he has a poster, and the only part I could keep my eyes on is the, "$20 dollars per hour!" Words at the top of the paper.

"We could build some houses, and some gas stations for 20 bucks per hour." CatNap laughs at the stupidity of the pay. "Is this real? Building houses, it could be dangerous, but it's better than signing up for the police force or something like that." I say, grabbing the paper.

"So, should we do it?" CatNap asks me, "Nah, we should just wait until we get evicted outta the hotel and be poor bums on the street, of course we should!" I laugh.

"Alright, well it says we gotta go to the city square, which is about 6 miles away from us... Dang this cities huge." CatNap says.

"Let's just pay 10 bucks for the bus." I say, and he agrees.

"People may think we are a part of a group again..." CatNap hesitates.

"It'll be fine... Hopefully." I say, smiling at him.

"Well, I ain't waking 6 miles to the city square. We may as well." He says, agreeing.

We go over to a nearby bus stop, which will eventually lead us near the square.

"Well, it seems like we'll have a 45 minute ride." CatNap says, as we look at a map that says all of the destinations, and the approximate amount of time it'll take to get there.

We wait for the bus to arrive, and it eventually does. We get on.

We go to the back of the bus. Dang, Rosa Parks was wrong, this lit 🔥🔥 {THAT WAS A JOKE YALL PRETEND THATS NOT THERE}

We go to the back of the bus, sitting down.

We talk here and there, chatting about this and that. "They got a daycare here, a big one... Just reminds me of-" CatNap gets cut off. "What happened?" I ask. "Sm-.... Smiling Critters are part of that daycare now..." CatNap says, awkwardly.

"Really? What if they find us?" I ask, "I don't know, we can't do anything about it. If they do, then we'll have to work at a daycare again..." He says, "What if... That happens to the kids again..." I say, and CatNap looks at me. "Hopefully not... That felt horrible... Killing toddlers and children that had so much potential, either if it were in sports or art... I felt horrible, but I was being controlled." He says, "I know, it ain't your fault." I say, smiling and putting my hand on his leg, gesturing that it'll be alright.

He smiles at me, and kisses my cheek.

I don't care if anyone sees our interactions. Homosexual or not, it doesn't bother me at all when I see other people kissing and hugging in public. And if someone is homophobic, then screw them.

Me and CatNap both look at a billboard, "SMILING CRITTERS™ Now at Billard's Daycare!" With new characters...
Bucky Buck, Birdie Bird, Haystack Horse, and Pucky Ducky... Can't they come up with any better names? "Some stupid names they got." CatNap says.

"I'd say ours aren't the best either." I laugh. "We don't gotta use DogDay and CatNap anymore, y'know." He says, "Like your name used to be Arthur, and mine... I can't... What was it?" He says to himself. "You don't know your name?" I ask him, "No offense."

"None taken... It's just... I don't remember for some reason..." He says, "I guess I really just got used to CatNap that quick." He chuckles. "I got used to DogDay, but didn't forget my name..." I say, frowning a little.

"Don't worry bout me though, I'm fine. Whoever I am, I'm fine." He laughs at his little joke.

I smile, and nod.

We eventually arrive the square, and thank the driver.

"Well then, there's the job application center. Let's go." CatNap says, and reaches for my hand. I gladly take it, and we walk together.

We get to the building, and open the door.

We look around at the nice decor, and the new-car-like smell is flourishing.

We go up to the front desk, "We're here for.. uh.. Mr. Geddes-Smith?" CatNap says, and I nod.

"Door number 18." The attendant says, and we nod. "She looked weird." I whisper-giggle as we walk away.

"She did." CatNap agrees with me.

We knock on door 18, and we hear a deep voice call us in.

"Hey you guys, haven't really had anyone sign for a while. But I'm here, always, just in case." A tall guy says. "Please, take a seat."

We do as said, at the two seats placed in front of the desk.

We look at each other with an unsure look.

"No need to worry you guys... What're the masks for?" He asks, "Uh, their a natural look. Tons of people are used to it, trust me." CatNap says, nodding.

"Well, whatever you say." He says, "If you could please sign these papers, and I'll explain your first job." He says, handing us each a paper.

I make sure to scan through some of the things we're signing for, while CatNap just signs without thought. I nudge him with my arm, "Why didn't you read it? You don't know what we're getting into." I whisper to him, the guy looking through his phone. CatNap just laughs, and I roll my eyes.

After signing, the guy begins explaining to us what our first destination is going to be.

"You guys will be going to the Shop-Mart on 24 avenue, be there tomorrow at 3:00PM." He says, and we nod, "Go now, I gotta make some calls." He says, shooing us off.

"Harsh." CatNap mocks the man after we close the door.

We walk out of the building. "Well... We got work." I say, and CatNap nods. "Let's take the bus back." He says.

We repeat the process of waiting for the bus, and getting in be back.

We arrive at the hotel, and go to our room. "Hopefully this job goes well." I say, smiling at CatNap as we hop in bed. "I hope so as well." He smiles, and we cuddle.

Tomorrow is when we start making some money.

1199 words

Wassup? How y'all been?

Anyway, thanks for reading this part! You'll be expecting more updates, since it's the weekend! Don't expect everything though...

The rest of the story is being planned out, and the ending has been planned already! This one will probably have a little less parts than the first one. I'm thinking about making a third book, but that'll be decided when I finish the book, either by you guys, or me if I feel like it should be continued.

Anyway, thank you all a lot! And as always, see you next chapter! ❤️

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