Critter Effect 🐈🐕

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CatNap POV:

Me and DogDay wake up together, as usual. Nothing seems wrong this morning, as we make coffee and cereal.

I kind of feel uneasy. "DogDay, I kinda feel off today..." I admit, "Yeah... Me too." DogDay says. Suddenly, there's this pain underneath the skin of my neck, "Damn! That hurt..." I say running the spot, "CatNap, langua-" He says, as he starts groaning and rubbing his neck as well.

"Turn me into a hot dog... Ow...." He shouts at the pain of the sting.

"What is this?" I ask, "I have no idea, you tell me." He responds.

The pain finally stops after a couple of minutes, and we proceed with our normal lives. "Well, let's get some clothes on and get ready for our work... Gotta start working our tails off if we want to stay here... If we want to." I say, unsure of being in this city.

"This city is strange, it was never like this last time I was here. Like I said, when I was on that trip with my brother, he couldn't afford a baby sitter, so he had to take me with him. This city was a lot smaller, and the folk here were a lot... Less weirder than they are now." I chuckle at that last part.

"I've been to weirder places, trust me." DogDay laughs. "What places are weirder than here?" I asked him, "I dunno, I just know I have, this place is a city, and cities are weird." DogDay giggles.

We start talking for a little, and then we decide to get up and get some new clothes on.

"Alright, let's get in going. I think we should get some coffee at that... Money-Square place. It's an odd name, but I heard it was good." DogDay tells me, "Sure, why not?" I say, smiling.

We are really surviving and gambling money from some rich dorky kid... That I.. killed...

That's besides the point, I'm just glad that with the help of God, I was able to get DogDay to survive my doings.

We walk a couple of blocks down the road, and arrive at the Cafe. "Well, this is the place!" DogDay says charmingly.

We enter, a little bell alerting the workers of our presence.

We go up to the counter, and DogDay orders both of our drinks. "I'd just like a... Vanilla latte, and I'll get him... What do you want CatNap?" DogDay asks me, and both the worker and him look toward me.

"Uh... I think I'll just get the same thing as him." I smile, even though they can't see it through the mask. "That'll be... 17.25 please." The cashier tells us. I hand them the money,  and they respond with a smile. "What're your guys'names?" They ask us, "Uhh, just out one for Arthur, and one for... Uh..." I start to panic, "One for Jordan..." I say, and they nod, giving a weird-ish look.

"Okay... That'll be done in about 4 minutes." They say, and we both nod in unison.

We go over to a table, and take a seat across from each other. "This feels like a date." DogDay laughs. I blush a little, "Well, I guess it is then." I smile at him, "Well, I ain't complaining." DogDay smiles, and I kick him a little from underneath the table.

"What was that for?" He giggles as he kicks me back. He kick at each other a couple of more times, and then we stop once they call Arthur and, "Jordan." Whatever my name is I would've used it, but I just made Jordan up.

We tell our thanks and go back to sit down. We take a sip at the same time, "Wow, this is really good." DogDay says, "Yeah, it is. Reminds me of you." I flirt a little, he blushes. "Don't say that again." He hides his face behind the drink. I laugh, and kick him again. "And stop kicking me!" He whispers, kicking back.

"Okay, okay." I raise my hands in defeat.

We converse more, before throwing our empty cups away and going outside the building.

"Alright, it's 2 o'clock, we gotta get going. He said it'd be at 24 avenue." I say, and DogDay nods.

We start jogging there, since it's about 40 minutes away, and we got time.

We eventually arrive, taking in the big-ish house. "Dang, a fancy house." I say, and DogDay nods in agreement. "Imagine the rent for this thing." DogDay says, and I nod.

We head up, and greet the construction workers there. "Hey, do you know how we get.. uh... Started with working, or constructing?" DogDay asks one of them. "Well if you signed up for the job, you just go to the dressing stall, and put on a vest and a hardhat, with an equipment belt." A man with a deep voice tells us, and we thank him.

We jog over to the stall he was talking about, and enter. Since we don't gotta take anything off, we just gotta out on a belt, a vest, and a hardhat.

The belt includes a hammer, screwdriver, and some other stuff.

"Well, let's get working." I say as I grab some blueprints. We walk out of the stall, and walk over to the place the blueprints say are in need of building.

We greet the others over there and get building. "I've actually helped my dad do stuff like this before. I had a secret tree house outside of the city, it was nice." DogDay smiles, even though you couldn't see it, I could tell he was. "That's nice. I've only helped my brothers friends with sheds and stuff like that, so I only got little experience." I say, "You and me both." DogDay agrees.

"Hey, new guys. Can y'all go help with Jeremiah up on the roof? He talked to me on the walkie-talkie and said he needs some help... But I'm busy right now, so will y'all do that for me? I'll give y'all something in exchange." A coworker says, and we nod.

"There's some stairs around the corner, make sure to be careful, they're brand new." He informs us, "Of course we'll be careful." I say, and he nods as we walk over to where he was talking about.

We find the stairs, and head upward. He look around and eventually find Jeremiah. "Josh sent y'all, didn't he? Well then... Will you guys help with this, I don't want to fall off the building just because of a couple of dumb two-by-fours." He says while gesturing to some two-by-fours on the ground. "We gotta build some walls for the outside of the house, and then next week after the outside is done, we gotta build the outer layer with cement." Jeremiah says, "Alright..." I say, and me and DogDay give a hand.

After about 3-4 of hours, we finish the job. "Nice! Thank you guys. Three is definitely better than one... Well, my shift is over." Jeremiah says. "Our shift is probably over in about an hour." I say, and Jeremiah nods. "Come on DogDay, Josh said he'd give us something for helping this guy." I say to Dayz.

We walk down the stairs, and see Josh getting ready to go home. "Oh, hey guys. Did it go well? That man Jeremiah could get... Risky with his ways of construction... Anyway, here you guys go." Josh says as he hands us each 50 bucks. "I'm glad that I didn't do that, he's a complicated man." Josh laughs, and walks away.

"Dang, he just nonchalantly gave us 100 bucks..." I say, watching him walk away, "Told you this place is weird." DogDay laughs, "That's a good weird though." I respond, and DogDay nods.

We finish our shift, and look at the clock. "It's  8 o'clock, let's go home." I say, taking off the vest, hardhat, and belt.

We jog to the hotel, and now it's 9:00PM.

We go up to our room, and open the door. Afterwards, we lay down. "Today went by quick." DogDay laughs.

We laugh, and look at our phones before falling asleep.

Today was pretty good, and we made 200 bucks, counting the 100 that Josh gave us.

Tomorrow, we gotta continue the same house. It's our job to finish it until it's complete. Well, hopefully tomorrow goes as well as today.

1406 words
Heya there y'all, how's it going?

Like I said, expect more uploads. But tomorrow is school again 😭😭.

I'm a probably stay up until 3 again writing and scrolling through TikTok 😭🙏 I barely get any sleep anymore. But don't worry, that ain't because I feel like I'm forced to write, it's because I do it myself and just write this crap for fun 🤓🤓

Anyway, thank you all for the support, and as always, see you next chapter!

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