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    The entire weekend flew right by, and all she could think about was her major fuck up. The fuck up that almost ruined their entire night at the party.
Lycus being Lycus kicked Kai out of the party. Not really the choice she would have gone with, she know it's only going to make school hell for her. However, as we all know Hayley and Spencer are a duo.
  Hayley is sensitive and she always has been, but that doesn't make Spencer love her any less. Especially when she has every fucking right to be upset, she was so excited about that Faerie costume.

  "Earth to Spencer??"

"Huh ?" She catches Hayley standing in front of her waving her hand in front of Spencer's face. Spencer hadn't realized she zoned out.
  "I thought I was picking you up today? I saw you leave the neighborhood before me."

"Oh fuck." She face palmed. Literally. Her mind been so occupied by Kai that she forgot she told her she would ride with her today.
   "Hals I'm so sorry! My mind has been.. occupied."
Hayley laughed and nudged her, "I'm only joking. I figured you were lost in the clouds still."

"I'm not lost in the clouds! I'm trying to figure out how to avoid Ashford." she shook her head as first bell rang for class.
  We left the common area outside and went into our English four class. "Psst. You still owe a ride with me." She whispered giggling as she sat down at her seat.
   Sitting down at Spencers desk a row over she sighed. There's no telling what kind of assignment Mrs.Langley will have us do.

"I hope it's not another analysis." Hayley states as she sets her notebook and textbook out on top of her desk. In all honestly, the analysis assignments weren't THAT bad, just.. extra.
   Mrs.Langley has been at Kentwood high for thirty years and she shows no signs of slowing down.

   Suddenly we all hear the classroom door slam shut causing everyone to gasp. Gazing around the students heads Spencer sees Kai Ashford standing at the front of the classroom alongside Mrs.Langley as she holds an annoyed face.
   "Class mister Ashford will be joining us for the rest of the year. Mrs.Morrison across the hall lost cost of her roster and had too many students."

    Spencer quickly looked over at Hayley as she had wide eyes, "Ain't no way dude.." she whispered to her.

  Everyone in the class was silent, no one really knew what to say. Every single student in this room was at Lycus's party. "Go sit behind Ms.Graves please Kai."

  "Oh Jesus..." Spencer grunted in disbelief. Of course that would be her luck today Spencer thought to herself. Kai scanned the room until his eyes landed on her. A smirk grew on his face as he headed for his seat behind her.
Spencer held her breath as he sat down, she could smell his cologne from how close he is. With everything she's been dealing with this past year she had never even said a word to him until the party.

   Kai Ashford was a man of mystery. A man of trouble, someone who would make you turn the other way in the hallway. Someone who could intimidate you without even speaking. Kai had a sense of darkness about him.
    He lured Spencer in when he first came here, she was intrigued. She would be lying if she said she didn't have a crush on him, but his stunt at the party makes everything so difficult. Different.
  She knew Kai was cold, she was aware he had his bad boy thing going on but she didn't know he could be cruel about someone he didn't even know.

   Dragging her out of her thoughts she felt a tug on one of her double Dutch braids. "What the f—"

"Language Ms.Graves. The teacher wouldn't expect such foulness from her top star now would she?" Kai spoke so close she could feel his breath on her neck.
   Every single word sent chills down her spine. There's no way he knows.

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