First Date (1/3)

Beginne am Anfang

Or he'd just whisper to you over the movie "It's alright, I'm here.", "Don't worry, it'll be over soon", etc. Wouldn't make fun of you if you cried (the first time LOL), he'd just hug you tighter 🥹

If you were fine with gore, or even as far as being interested in it (how do yall do it-), he just stared at you in awe.

It's not like he's bad with it, he's just shocked that someone else enjoys it too, silently running through a list of movies you two could watch together in the future.

Not too many words were exchanged during it, but you two had lots of fun nonetheless.

"Thank you for bringing me today!" you smiled at him, making your way outside

"No problem, thank you for joining me." Rin nodded while disposing of the snack wrappers and bottles

"Let me walk you back to the train station, it's dark out." he grabbed your hand and intertwined your fingers with his before leading you through the night

"Thank you" you gave a bow as you reached the station "I had fun tonight"

"Yea, me too..." he said, slowly realizing how beautiful you looked in the moonlight. He hoped the darkness of the night hid his blush

You leaned in and gave him a quick kiss while slipping a button from you shirt into his hands, a common way of expressing love in Japan

He covered his red face with a hand, while looking at the floor in embarrassment

He took off his jacket just as you were about to leave and shoved it into your hands, "Don't want you getting cold..." he barely mumbled, before preparing to leave

You gave him one last thanks before putting the jacket on as he left

As he walked home, he wasn't actually that cold. Maybe it was because of the extra sweater he had underneath, maybe it was because he was hoping you'd ask for it and prepared earlier that day, maybe it was because his face was so hot from the interaction, who knows :x

He was smiling the whole walk home, and even took a wrong turn because he was so distracted, didn't even put his earbuds back in because he was so focused on the memories of that day

Once he got home he texted you to make sure you did too

The two of you will 100% be going on another date, and this time, you'll get to choose where ;) (just please don't make him watch like, mlp... or do, that'd be pretty funny- )


How Shidou managed to convince you to go out with him? I have no clue.

This man was running around the house grabbing his things 5 minutes before you were supposed to meet up. It'd take 10 minutes to get there.

You were just scrolling as you waited for him, already 2 minutes late. You weren't all that surprised, he was that typa guy after all. But you were surprised when he crashed into you, panting as he tried to catch his breath

"I'm- *wheeze* sorry that I'm- *wheeze* late-" he was hunched over with sweat dripping down his face

How fast did he run??? You thought to yourself while silently facepalming.

"Here" you said, pulling out a plastic water bottle and handing it to him "Take a second to catch your breath"

"Thank you- my goddess" he said, before chugging the whole bottle. Shidou finally gained his composure "You know, that was technically an indirect kiss" he teased while giving you back the bottle.

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