Chapter Fifteen: The Unknown

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Yet, Sullivan remained unfazed, his confidence unshakable as he continued to push her to her limits. He delivered a powerful blow to her abdomen, causing her to stagger back with a sharp gasp of shock. It was a calculated move, designed to test her resilience and determination, and Selene rose to the challenge with unwavering resolve.

"Rate the pain from one to ten." Sullivan commanded like he just gave a gentle tap on her knee.

With a mischievous smirk, Selene launched herself forward once more, her movements fueled by sheer drive to win. This time, her attack found its mark, catching Sullivan off guard as she delivered a well-aimed kick to his ankle. The crack of bone echoed through the room, a testament to her strength and skill.

"One." She declared triumphantly, her voice ringing as the demon's ankle healed quickly. But before she could revel in her victory, Sullivan was upon her once more, his movements swift and calculated. He pressed her relentlessly, driving her to the edge of her physical and mental limits with each passing moment.

"You're a petty little one." He rasped, his voice never lacking amusement.

"I need you to get angry." Sullivan requested, his voice firm yet tinged with a hint of urgency. And with a swift sweep at the girl's leg, he sent Selene crashing to the ground, the impact jolting her out of her momentary confusion. And as Selene picked herself up from the ground, a flicker of frustration igniting within her.

As Selene's frustration mounted, her attacks became more ferocious, fueled by a primal instinct to survive. She no longer held back, unleashing her full strength with each strike, her movements fluid and relentless.

Selene's body quivered with the weight of the darkness consuming her, her muscles tensing as she battled to regain control. It was like wrestling with an old force, an ancient instinct clawing at the edges of her consciousness, urging her to succumb to the abyss within. But Selene fought back with every ounce of her willpower, clinging to the rationality that anchored her to reality.

Her hand trembled at her side, fingers curling into a tight fist as she struggled to contain the surge of power coursing through her veins. The darkness threatened to overwhelm her, to drown out the voice of reason that whispered caution in her ear. But Selene refused to surrender, gritting her teeth against the tide of fury threatening to consume her.

"Selene, I need you to fight drowning in that darkness and harness it to make you stronger." He urged, his voice cautious as he teleported to evade Selene's erratic attack. The young girl's body quivered with the effort of balancing her emotions, her breaths coming in ragged gasps as she fought for control.

With her eyes blazing forming pools of pitch black, Selene hissed rebelliously, her gaze locked on Sullivan as she grappled with the chaotic energy coursing through her. The voice in her head clamored for bloodshed, for vengeance against her perceived enemies, but Selene knew better than to give in to its seductive whispers.

"Are you scared?" She taunted, a dark smirk playing on her lips as she teased the demon before her. Sullivan sighed inwardly, a flicker of trepidation flashing across his features before he masked it with a composed facade.

"Are you in control?" He pressed, his voice betraying a hint of uncertainty as he watched Selene warily. But Selene's laughter rang out like a discordant melody, her confidence unshaken despite the strife raging within her.

"Why don't you find out?" She retorted, her words laced with a dangerous edge as she prepared to unleash her newfound power upon him.

With a surge of adrenaline, Selene launched herself at Sullivan, her movements fluid and unpredictable as she danced around his defenses. It was like tapping into a wellspring of hidden strength, a reservoir of power waiting to be unleashed.

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