Start from the beginning

What was the index? And why were all these men after it?

Something went swishing over her shoulder and she stumbled as she vision cleared. Trees and vines. Glowing pale blue and white crystals hung on the branches and men fighting all around trying to get through the trees.


"We are inside Ulsa! We must reach the Pool now!" Hunter exclaimed from ahead as he stumbled over branches that seemed to wither every time he stepped on them," They are after the Index. A magical key that is being guarded by Inka. It unlocks the Armory of the Gods!"

"What? The Gods? The Armory? Hunter, you are not making - "

"Hurry, little helper! There isn't much time!"

Dev turned to search for Kalen and saw that he was behind them running while being pursued by a solider with glowing hands. She quickly took the lead in running as Hunter was slowly down and huffing with each step. He just looked weaker and weaker.

They ran through the forest but Devi had to stop each time to hurry Hunter along and keep blinking. He didn't look good. He was sweating even more and he looked like he was in pain.

Behind her, Kalen was hurrying her and the other soldiers along. The captain was now nowhere to be seen but the others from the other faction were here. Inside Ulsa. Ulsa had fallen. Her people's safe haven was gone.

Dev wanted to cry. To stop and die but something small kept her going. She had never been inside but Hunter said they need to get to the pool. What pool?

That question was answered when they ran around a large cluster of trees and stepped into a circle of rocks that had a glowing pool in the center. A huge Witcka tree stood behind it with a throne at the bottom of its large buttress roots. To the left was a stone arch that had markings on it. It seemed to radiate power. It was like it wanted her to closer to it.

Hunter slumped down and started to cough which stopped her in her tracks. When she tried to help him, something hit her against her side and she fell back to land on her side. Dev cried out at the pain. She had cut her face and scratched her hands.

When she looked around, her blood ran cold at the sight of one of the soldiers running towards Hunter with both hands lit up.

Gasping, she scanned the forest floor. A knife was lying next to the pool. Pushing herself up, she picked it up with only one thought in mind.


The solider was now standing over Hunter. With a surge of adrenaline, she lunges towards the enemy soldier, her strike precise and deadly. In a desperate attempt to protect her master, she plunges the dagger into the back of the soldier's throat, his life essence dissipating into the enchanted air. He choked on his blood and crumbled down in front of Hunter but Dev did not stop, she just yanked the knife out and kept stabbing his head until blood spattered against her face. When she stopped, she took a shuddering breath and her eyes widened at what she had done.

Time seemed to stop as she sighed and dropped the bloodied blade.

Looking around, she saw that the captain was unconscious as well as Kalen. The other soldiers lay bleeding on the ground and the man that she had just killed was a bleeding mess.

The urge to vomit was going to hitting her and she turned away before swallowing harshly. She stumbled over to Hunter who was staring at her in awe. She kneels beside him whilst holding her face that had both the man's blood and her own.

"I'm going to die," Dev said tearfully as she pressed a hand over her face. Her marks were burning against her face. She broke her vows. She hurt someone.

A TALE OF CAGES AND VINES (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now