Letting Characters Learn To Spell

Start from the beginning

Words and music to "Go Down, Moses

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Words and music to "Go Down, Moses." While slaveowners believed religion had a placating effect on slaves, the Bible and its stories were a great source of strength and inspiration to seek freedom. In this traditional African American spiritual, the slaves identified with the Jews of Egypt who were also held in bondage by the cruel Pharaoh. Harriet Tubman was said to be the Moses of the slaves' song, helping runaway slaves escape from "Egypt's land".

Oh, this is just one hilarious classic example of the white race of men's extreme tomfoolery when it comes to using religion and the bible in the wrong ways! They thought they were ahead and they didn't quit while they were ahead and God turned their whole world on their heads!

Oh, this is just one hilarious classic example of the white race of men's extreme tomfoolery when it comes to using religion and the bible in the wrong ways! They thought they were ahead and they didn't quit while they were ahead and God turned th...

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Welcome to my annotations of the Dear America Book Series historical fiction, "A Picture of Freedom The Diary of Clotee, A Slave Girl by Patricia C. Mckissack I hope this helps young struggling writers to learn how to write better in general and see what silly rules a writer is allowed to ignore in some characters. What is an annotation? -Lumna10

I'll walk you through several categories right now:
Underlining or Highlighting key words, phrases or major idea:
You may have already noticed Clotee's verbs end in' that is how African Americans talked back then and some of them still talk like this today it gives this race a distinct dialect accent that is fell through the pages of paper you hold in your hands. The Major idea of this book is obviously that is was extremely dangerous for male or female slaves to learn to read and write during those awful times of the past and still today in other countries this almost remains true unfortunately

Highlighting or underlining key words and phrases or major ideas is the most common form of annotating texts. Many people use this method to make it easier to review material, especially for exams. Highlighting is also a good way of picking out specific language within a text that you may want to cite or quote in a piece of writing. (For Instance I would quote "'March never knows if it wants to be a spring month or a winter month.'"
However, over-reliance on highlighting is unwise for two reasons. First, there is a tendency to highlight more information than necessary, especially when done on a first reading. Second, highlighting is the least active form of annotating. Instead of being a way to begin thinking and interacting with ideas in texts, highlighting can become a postponement of that process.
On the other hand, highlighting is a useful way of marking parts of a text that you want to make notes about. And it's a good idea to highlight the words or phrases of a text that are referred to by your other annotations.

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