Where to now?

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Kai, the fire ninja, is traveling Ninjago city with Jay, the lightning ninja, and Nya, the water ninja. The trio are walking they still don't know where to go from here.

They are worried about the others, they got separated into groups to not be caught by the zombies. "We've been walking for hourssss, my feet are tired" uttered the lightning ninja. "We've been walking for two hours jay" said the water ninja.

"Do you think the others are safe?" Said the fire ninja. "Maybe, we still need to find a way to communicate with them, and find Lloyd.." said Nya.

The name Lloyd brought back memories to Kai. He remembered Lloyd running out the monastery saying that he hated them. That was the last time he ever saw Lloyd till the outbreak.

"We'll find him don't worry" said Jay reassuring him. Kai hoped he was right. The trio kept walking to then they saw a store with weapons.

"How about we got some more weapons and bullets" Nya said. They walked over to check the store out and find weapons. Kai picked up a knife and a shotgun. Nya also a shotgun and a sword. Jay got a pistol and a kitchen knife.

"Why are you taking a kitchen knife??" Asked Nya. "Hey you don't know what's gonna happen we might need to." Replied Jay.

The trio walked out the store and kept walking to anywhere. They had a walkie talkie that was five from Zane to keep in contact but they haven't heard from the others for some time.

They were worried that something happened but didn't want to think about it. Then they heard the walkie talkie talk. It was Cole. "An-anyone o-our there, he-llo Kai?? N-Nya??" Nay picked it up and responded. "Cole!! It Nya, we're here!!" Silence. "Nya!! Where are guys??" Zane said.

"We don't know but we're near the weapons shop"
Kai said. "Okay met us at the monastery, we're also heading over there." Cole said. "Wait is Lloyd with you guys??" Nya said. "No I thought he's with you.. I guess we didn't find him then.." Kai stomach feel. They still don't know where's Lloyd or if he's even alive, but Lloyd is strong.

"Okay... remember to keep contact and update us every second!" Kai said. "Will do, we'll see you soon" then silence. The trio was happy that the others were safe but no Lloyd. They didn't know where he's at. That made Kai sad that his little brother isn't here.

"Alright let's head to the monastery." Nya told the others. Soon they were walking hoping that they make it safe.

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