CH 9

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Dawson and Liliane are pressed against each other as the TV plays a show. Dawson suddenly presses a kiss to her cheek and then a hand slips around her waist. Liliane glances at Dawson but then goes back to watching the TV.

Sooner than later, Dawson's hand places itself on Liliane's thigh, rubbing over the soft skin. Liliane knows what he's trying to do, well, she doesn't, but it doesn't hurt to give into his touch. Liliane lets Dawson move his hands over her body as they sit together because the familiarity of Dawson's hands is going to stick with her when he leaves.

Then, Dawson's lips are on hers and he's carrying Liliane to her room and lightly placing her on the bed. She lets Dawson be the one to pull away before she speaks in a hushed tone.

"So, this is what you were hinting at the entire movie?" Liliane smiled as the boy leaning over her slipped his hands under her shirt, motioning that he wanted to take it off. Liliane lets him. Dawson only smiled at her, his lips touching every part of her body. He loves the feeling of her body, of her skin. She's soft, warm, and all his.

"Je te veux tellement mon amour." Dawson smirked as he pulled off his shirt and pushed down his pants, leaving him in his underwear. His hands fly to Liliane's sweatpants, his eyes never leaving her own as he slowly pulls her sweatpants down. Dawson leans down to press a kiss to Liliane's lips before letting his hands roam lower than her waist.


"C'était bien." Liliane spoke tiredly, the blanket over her pulled up to her chin. Dawson looks at her with a amused expression before speaking.

"Only good?" Dawson asked, a breathy laugh escaping his lips as he pulls his sweatpants back on before joining Liliane in the bed.

"C'était très bien." Liliane grins as Dawson pulls the covers up so he can lay down next to her. Dawson smiled as Liliane tries to contain her tired laughter.

"I guess that's better." Dawson sighes dramatically as he wraps an arm around Liliane, pulling her into his body so they can go to sleep. Liliane giggles at his response before wrapping an arm around his torso in return.

"Je t'aime, mon amour." Dawson whispered as he closed his eyes, letting sleep overtake him. He can hear Liliane whisper back, but he can't make out any words since the content from having his girl next to him is taking over.


And just like that, all star weekend was over and so was Liliane's time with Dawson. Liliane knew she was going to act like she wasn't hurt when he walked out the door, but he knew her better than that. He knew she was going to cry herself to sleep and that Jamie and Trevor were going to struggle to make her happy again.

"I love you, Liliane." Dawson said as he wrapped his arms around her one last time. They stood in the middle of the airport, their gates on different sides of building. Liliane let herself cry into his shoulder as he held her. She knew she wanted to act strong, but that planned just happened to fail her.

"S'il te plaît, ne me quitte plus." Liliane cried. She didn't know if Dawson was going to understand her, but even if he did, he knew her wishes could be fulfilled, not yet.

"I'll call you when I land. Promise me you'll keep yourself busy in Anaheim." Dawson said as he pulled back from her, finally letting it set in that this is their goodbye until the end of playoffs (if either of them were going to be in it).

"I will." Liliane said sadly. Dawson pressed a kiss to her cheek and then took a few steps back from her. Liliane smiled with sad eyes as he walked away. They'll see each other in a couple months, it'll be okay.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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