A overdue discussion

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Arianna Pov
It was just a few hours later, we had left the small cafe and went back to Jessy and Zariah's house now, lounging in the living room not doing much, the TV was on but none of us were really looking at it, it was just background noise essentially. I sighed, the deal with Elena and her words and what she might have been insinuating sucked, no. It was just plain hurtful to remember but that wasn't even what I was thinking about, not now anyways.

I had forgotten all about her and those words, besides I had more things to focus on, like Jessy and Zariah finally explaining what they did with Victoria's blood. They hadn't explained anything regarding the purpose of getting Victoria's blood, but I think this time is as good as any for the most part, we were out of school and in their home, plus we didn't need to worry about any supernatural eavesdroppers right now so we didn't have to watch what we said and I was curious as to what they've got planned.

"Okay, so, long story short we are going to be using her blood for a spell that we think might work, and basically what that's going to do is allow me or Zariah, maybe even you, Arianna, to see through her eyes and control her like a puppet in a sense. Sure, nothing is guaranteed yet, but we decided we might as well try it on a normal person that's going to turn or has already turned into a vampire. But hey, it's something we've decided to try. Any questions?" Jessy explained all that in one breath and grabbed a nearby water bottle that had been unopened and opened it and drank out of it while I could only blink in shock, and Kori seemed to have the same expression on her face as well and Zariah was just sitting there, probably waiting for us to stop being shocked or something.

But this was a lot to take in, add on to the fact that they were just going to test this out on Victoria? No prior experiments regarding the possible dangerous and deadly spell? Well, considering that magic was dangerous no matter how simple or easy a spell may seem it was still magic and the show had demonstrated more than once what could happen if the magic was misused or abused in some way, shape or form and I didn't want to see either one of them to be demonstrations for the consequences about what could happen to someone who uses magic incorrectly accidentally or intentionally.

"Wait, wait, wait. Pause and back all the way up, because I'm lost. So you mean to tell us that you two are going into this spell blind? No research or experimentation before doing this? Because this could go terribly wrong." Kori spoke with worry and confusion in her voice as she looked from Jessy to Zariah and then back to Jessy again. But I couldn't blame her, this seemed reckless and anything could go wrong with this, there were too many variables and the cons outweighed the pros and the benefits they could get out of the situation. I didn't want to think that either of them would rush into something without a plan or at least have an alternative ready in case something happens but it didn't seem like it.

I know they had a connection to their magic and much more in tune with it because their father had them read some books on magic and had trained them as well so they were much more advanced in terms of knowledge and some practical spells but that didn't make them safe.

"What Jessy meant to say was that we have tested the spell on several animals and we've gathered that with this spell we can see through the animals eyes, for instance we see through a bird's eyes and we could control them after we had their DNA mixed in with a few herbs and used magic and made our intention known but only it only worked when the animal or individual has a weak mind, or a weak will. We had to "fight" against an animal, a cougar for example, that had a stronger will than the other animals. Which is why we thought it would be best to choose to get Victoria's blood since the attack from Damon will leave her mentally unstable for some time, therefore, vulnerable to the spell we wish to cast."

Leave it to Zariah to save the day with an explanation and not have us worry and panic from the sudden drop of information from Jessy. I saw Kori physically deflate with relief and I just felt happy that they had at least tested the spell out and weren't just rushing into things but then again I had in the beginning doubted that they would do something like that in the first place. "Oh, well that's better, honestly you could've just started with that Jessy so Kori and I didn't have to worry about you and Zariah rushing into anything without preparing yourselves." I said to Jessy and turned to look at him while Zariah left the living room to grab something from the kitchen and Kori waited to see what Jessy was going to say and he just shrugged his shoulders and took a sip of his water bottle.

"I mean, I could have started with that but I just didn't feel like it." Jessy said Kori just chuckled while I sighed and Zariah, who came back from the kitchen with a doctor pepper didn't even look remotely surprised at his reasoning as to why he hadn't started with that in the first place. I think Jessy just wanted Kori and I to freak out and he got what he wanted because he certainly succeeded in freaking us both out completely by conveniently "forgetting" to mention that piece of information and to be fair I'm not as surprised now considering that Jessy seemed to be banking on not mentioning that part until the very end.
Shortish chapter rn and I plan on getting into their own plans concerning the TVD plot other than keeping a low profile in town since there are supernaturals around. The next chapter will continue on from this chapter but a time skip will be happening to move some things along.

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