Well it could have gone better

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Arianna Pov

Waking up that next morning with Jeremy in my bed cuddled up next to me was adorable but the need to use the bathroom had called me and so as gently as I could I left my bed, careful not to accidentally wake Jeremy up by chance. I sighed to myself as I went into my bathroom and closed the door, last night didn't necessarily go as planned and it might have gotten them unnecessary attention from Damon, not enough to interest him but still, it worried me without fail.

Even having Damon's attention on you was not something I wanted but I just played the concerned friend card and hopefully that had bought me some cover. But there was no need to worry yet, Damon was still in the dark about me being a witch, in fact I would be more concerned if he suddenly was aware of the fact that he was. I had kept the interaction minimal at best, playing on how Caroline's mom would worry and that she needed to get her home, but not too much, I didn't want to look like I was desperate to get away from him.

After using the bathroom I had gotten ready for the day, I didn't feel the need to overdo anything, for the matter I just kept the look simple and let my hair stay down, brushing it out with my hair brush to keep it from looking too terrible. I had changed into my clothes and I was putting on my shoes when Elena had decided to bang on my door yelling, thankfully it was muffled but it still hurt my ears to hear her.

"Wake up! It's time to get ready for school! And make sure my brother is up and ready for the day. You baby him too much." I froze up at the words, 'her brother.' as if they all weren't related, well if one was to think about it technically then sure Jeremy wasn't my brother, he was my cousin but that didn't make her words any less hurtful to think about.

Really I didn't know what I did wrong to Elena when all I've ever done was try to love and support her, to give her a chance because I didn't want to judge her character before I got to even know who she was outside of just being the main character to a TV show she watched at one point in time. But I decided not to think about it, I still had to wake Jeremy up for school still, so with a sigh I shook him awake, earning a few groans from Jeremy and protest but I didn't yield to any of his whining and I sent him off to his own room to go and get ready for school.

I heard the familiar sound of a jeep blow and I knew my ride was here, I grabbed my bag and left my room and closed my door behind me, I had asked Jeremy if he had needed a ride but he was already gone, how he had left before me was unknown but he was probably off to go and see Victoria in the hospital. So with that in mind I continued my way downstairs and out the door, not without saying goodbye by to Jenna first on the way out and then I went down the porch steps and before I knew it I was in the jeep, Kori being in the backseat as usual with Zariah in the passenger seat and Jessy being the driver.

I didn't feel like going to school today and my face must have made that very clear, despite what I had said earlier about not worrying about Elena's words it still bothered me that she would even say that to me. And of course the others picked up on that, which in turn caused me to spill what had bothered me in the first place and that prompted Kori to suggest that they all skip school today, it wasn't like they would miss much anyways and they could always make up the work for the classes they would miss.

Elena Pov
I scoffed underneath my breath while I watched Arianna leave my place at the kitchen table while I waited for my own ride to come and pick me up to get to school, I don't understand why Arianna could just strut around as if she was a peacock, showing off her feathers for everyone to see. It's always been that way, ever since we were kids. Arianna just had to have the spotlight on her, all while taking the people I planned on making my best friends. It had sucked when middle school had started and Arianna had developed a little earlier than me and that was when the attention had skyrocketed, every boy wanted her while I was still stuck in her shadow, watching her soak up all the attention that should've been on me the entire time!

It was my right to have the boys attention. So when high school had finally started and my looks came into view boys actually wanted me! Not Caroline, not Bonnie, not even Arianna, but me! And so what better way to get revenge than getting my first boyfriend before Arianna, but it had to be someone she was close to, Jessy had been out of the picture at the time as he made it clear he didn't like her and I wasn't about to date a girl, that was just...disgusting.

So I went and asked Matt out, I knew he liked me because of the puppy eyes that would always follow me but when I announced it I had expected her to be angry, twitch, frown, something! Anything! But no, she didn't even bat an eyelash at my proclamation and instead congratulated me without a second thought before leaving to hang out with Kori and the others. And then to make matters worse out always had to be so goddamn condescending about having others attention, even going so far as pretending to like me so my parents gave her attention about how much of a 'good twin sister' she was, and it only got worse after my parents had died.

At first it wasn't about me, no, no, no, it was always, 'Poor Arianna, she must've loved her parents so dearly!' or 'I can't imagine how Arianna must be feeling, she was always so close to them...' But what about me?! What about what little Elena was feeling when her parents had died? It wasn't fair that Arianna got all the attention when she wasn't even there when they died, she doesn't understand how it had hurt me to be in the car when my parents had been taken away from me! All I had tried to do was be there for Jeremy only for him to push me away, no, not only did he push me away, he ran to Arianna for comfort.

And it hurt me considering Arianna wasn't even blood related to them, there was no way she was even related, not with her hair color, there was just no way I could be blood related to her of all people, and then Jenna just had to praise her on being good in school, straight A's across the board already since school had just started back, that wasn't even that important in the beginning!

I had good grades as well, it wasn't even that spectacular, I bet that her grades are going to drop the minute school picks back up again and then she'll look like an idiot, something she already was. I just need to get people to see that Arianna wasn't all that, she wasn't as cool as people even made her out to be in the first place. I was brought out of my thoughts when Jenna had told me Bonnie was outside to pick me up and I sighed before getting up and leaving, ignoring her goodbye and making my way to Bonnie's car.

And then I got in without a word to Bonnie and just told her I was fine when she asked if I was okay, nothing would ruin my day, I was in a good mood and since the attention has been on me lately I can almost smell the attention I'll get from Stefan today, so I'll worry about Arianna and her narcissistic behavior later on.

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