Chapter 12

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Jungkook sprang on the guitar for the last time and adjust the mic size. With a genuine smile, he looks at the audience and bows to show respect after the end of their band singing.

Right after coming down from the stage, one of the waiter came to him. A whiskey glass in his hand as he teasing Jungkook with a light push and wink.

"The girls over there, she told me to gave it to you. As a thanksgiving for lighten up her evening. Damn all of the pretty girls at pub done crushing over you. We even didn’t get a chance to hit on any of them."

Jungkook follows his gaze and saw a girl who smiles at him after making a eye contact even though it's just for a brief second.

Just as expected, it's pissed him off but what is against the rules is to getting mad at the audience. All the people who sitting there are known as their daily audience who cheered up the little band whenever they're on stage.

Before he grab the glass from the waiters hand. He saw someone already took the glass and drank it. Who is none other than Taehyung. Jimin and Seokjin is beside him.

"What are you guys doing here?"

He throw the question.

"You sang very well. I almost couldn’t believe it's you. You should get on debut already."

Jimin said. Ignoring the previous question completely. Jungkook smile getting praised.

"Especially the song you sang today. I've been waiting to hear it since the day you humm it creating the most beautiful melody."

This voice comes from Taehyung.

Jungkook's cheek hits up once again. It's remind him of the day they were in daegu. That evening when he was making ramen and hummed this song alone at the kitchen thinking Taehyung is not at home. But when he turn around and saw Taehyung leaning at door steps while closing his eyes to feel the melody very closely. He almost had a heart attack. 

He scratches the back of his neck while running out of word.

"Thanks for the compliments. I think i needed them so much. By the way, where's Emily? You alone without her."

"She went to her friend's birthday party."

Taehyung laugh while answering. He also laugh watching him getting embarrassed. Along with the rest of them.

A boy came towards the grown up groups of man suddenly.

"Jungkook. I gotta go now. Remember to come early tomorrow okay? And bring the song you’ve wrote. I'd like to know your skills in writing. Good night."

Jungkook greeted back. Ended up with the fist to fist punch with Jisung. His bandmate also classmate. Probably only friend whom Jungkook is pretty close with.

Taehyung follow their action with a fire in his eyes. Even though he tried to keep it off as much as he can, but it was extremely visible.

Jisung also didn't forget to give Taehyung a chuckling glare as if he knows everything what he had done to Jungkook whom he thinking more than just a friend and going to kill Taehyung anytime.

The whole pub was a mess after everyone leaves. Every staff and worker also leave early except Jungkook. Who stayed there to clean. Just in case he got extra tip for that!!

"Sucks. My life is more messy than this place."

Jungkook lowly mumbled. It's almost 2am and the road is pretty empty. That's what scared him.

He noticed a familiar bike at the parking spot. Almost look a like the one Taehyung use. But he shrugged off the thought. Taehyung leaves the pub almost 6 hours ago. It's a small world and plenty of people use the same things.

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