Chapter 11

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Jimin has to get hard on his work to convince Jungkook for a met up. It'll be easy if Jin could get him on phone. But he switched off his phone for the entire week.

And Jimin has to go through seven stage of lying just to get his address from Taehyung.

Even though Jungkook has no idea but still he received some vibe of what their conversation could've be about when Jimin request him for a private meet up conversation on the cafe over the shopping mall.

"Sorry Jimin. I must be late. There were a huge Traffic."

"It's fine. You are just in time."

Jungkook smile. The waiter brings up the iced mocha on the table for both of them. Jimin ordered them right after he arrived.

"How's your study going? Have a good preparations for the exam?"

"Kind of maybe."

Jimin, who used to be really confident about everything. Is now hella nervous just to talk about Taehyung to him. He don't know what expression would he received. But maybe a little try won't hurt his ego.

"What do you want to talk about Jimin?"

"You know what i wanna say."

"I really hope it's not about your friend."

"Is he so bad that you even don't wanna talk?"

"He's not bad. But what he did to me is terrible."

"What if i say it's not what you saw. Or it's totally against his decision."

"I've been waiting a week shamelessly just for his call. I was so sure that he will call me, or text me just to explained to me. But he didn’t. How could i believe the truth then?"

"He's going through a lot. And there’s a reason for him of not being in touch with you."

"Yeah. Atleast he could've tell me about the problem. I never doubt in our relation. Never ever ask twice about his fiance even though my gut feeling says something must have wrong with both of them. Still i ignore all my bad thought and focus on us. Guess what i get in the end? Being Cheated?"

Jimin sighs. That little boy is right. Taehyung is so dumb for not telling the truth. But at the same time he tryna be protective for the love of his life. A plenty of chance gotta be useless.

"I respect your hard work for trying hard to get us together. You're truly his good friend. But i don't think it'll work ever. It's not because i'm mad. But i moved on. I completely forgot about someone like him used be exist in my life. So please Jimin, don't come to me again about the past. Some things is better ended up without a happy ending."

He aggressively take the last sip of the mocha and get his backpack ready to go.

"Why are you rushing fast?"

"Sorry. I have a band practice in my pub. I recently started is because our professor says it can help our confident boosting on stage later."

"Sure then! I won't stop you. And Jin hyung try to talk with you but your phone is unreachable. Think about it."

"Take care of him. He is so dumb and careless when it's comes to love. I want him and his fiancee to have a lovely and healthy relationship."

He walked out quietly while Jimin just sat there and watch him silently  then run his hand through hair out of frustration.

"Why both of them are hella stubborn god. Can't they think about peace?"

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