Glorious Day Over The Dukedom of Lennox Territory

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He is the Duke of Lennox Territory and the male line great- great-grandson of Lord David Robert Stuart, Duke of Lennox Territory and he is the Duke of Lennox Territory on Star Base 12, and through his aunt, Lady Patricia Eugenie Stuart, his is first cousin to Lord Andrew Charles Andrew Howard, Duke of Norfolk Territory, Lord Patrick William Howard, Duke of Cambridge Territory and Lord Charles Andrew Howard The Third,Duke of Sussex Territory.

Lord Alexander Charles Stuart is married to Lady Josephine Isabella Hasburg, the only child of Lord Maxilliam Habsburg and Lady Carissa De Souza.

He went against his mother's wishes to marry the woman that he loved, and he stood his ground in 2278, and at his wedding he told his mother " I swear on my late great-great-grandfathers' grave. You will never see your grandchildren."

"I don't know why my grandfather married my father to a miserable old Puritan woman like you. " Lord Alexander Charles tells his mother.

"I promise you when I become Duke of Lennox Territory. I will send you back to your brother." Lord Alexander Charles tells his mother.

"You will be banished and exiled from The Dukedom of Lennox Territory." Lord Alexander Charles tells his mother.

The big day comes in June of 2279, and his father dies and Lord Alexander Charles becomes Duke of Lennox Territory and by his side, Lady Josephine Isabella becomes Duchess of Lennox Territory, but Lady Josephine Isabella is a good, kind young woman and she begs Lord Alexander Charles not to exile is mother from The Dukedom of Lennox Territory, but Lord Alexander Charles explains "She was against our marriage and I don't want her in my Dukedom spreading her hate."

"She lives in the Providence of Bourbon, within the Dukedom of Lennox Territory and she has a brother who is my uncle and he is just as miserable as she is." Lord Alexander Charles tells her.

Faithful to his word, he sends his mother back to his uncle in the Providence of Bourbon, where Lord James is Count of Bourbon.

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