Great-Grandmother Meet Great-Grandson

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In the year of 2294,  Lord Anthony Christopher Howard was only 14 years old, and he was attending the double wedding of his two older sister, Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane and Lady Samhain Wihelmina Charlene, Duchess of Clarence Territory to...

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In the year of 2294, Lord Anthony Christopher Howard was only 14 years old, and he was attending the double wedding of his two older sister, Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane and Lady Samhain Wihelmina Charlene, Duchess of Clarence Territory to his two second cousins, Lord Richard Edward Howard The Third and Lord David William Beck The Second.

Lord Anthony Christopher Howard is Duke of Lancaster Territory and he inherits the Dukedom from his great-great-grandmother, Lady Jeanette Virginia Beaufort as her first male line great-great-grandson through her second son, Lord Charles Andrew Howard SR, Duke of Norfolk Territory and his oldest son, Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR and his youngest son, Lord Andrew Charles Howard, Duke of Norfolk Territory, as Lord Edmund Beaufort son, Lord Thomas leaves no great-great-grandson to inherit his Dukedom.

Lord Anthony Christopher Howard was born on June 21, 2280 at Beltane Manor, his mother is 25 years old and his father is 30 years old

Lord Anthony Christopher Howard's birth is celebrated with bells ringing throughout The Dukedoms of Norfolk , Lancaster, Wessex, Cambridge, Essex, Sussex York and Bedford on Star Base 12.

Lord Andrew Charles Howard when he is told by his second cousin, Lord David William Beck that he has a son rushes into where Lady Karissa is holding their first newborn son, Lord Anthony Christopher in her arms and he looks at her " May I have my son."

"Oh! Your son. I didn't know you were asexual." Lady Karissa tells him.

"Alright. I will rephrase it. Our son." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"I suppose you may hold my son." Lady Karissa tells Lord Andrew Charles.

"I want to present him to my people. He is the oldest male line great-great-great-grandson of Lord Patrick Willlam Howard, Lord John Spencer-Churchill." Lord Andrew Charles explains.

"I know how important The Dukedom of Lancaster is to The Howard family." Lady Karissa explains.

Lady Karissa places Lord Anthony Christopher into his father's arms and he is smiling and he asks her " What is the chance of a second son?"

"I don't know Andrew Charles Howard. You are damn lucky to have Lord Anthony Christopher." Lady Karissa tells him.

"You have four and half years before our next child is expected. Find yourself a mistress." Lady Karissa tells him " I have already chosen my lover and it is your second cousin, Lord Richard William Carey."

"What? My second cousin. The great-grandson of my grandaunt, Lady Sophia Charlotte Howard." Lord Andrew Charles asks her.

"Why yes. He is Howard isn't he?" Lady Karissa asks "Didn't his great-great-great-grandfather travel with Lord Patrick William Howard?"

"Why of course he did. He also traveled to The Battle of Bosworth field with Lord Edmund Beaufort, Lord John Devereux and Lord Patrick William Howard in 2153." Lord Andrew Charles explains.

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