Passion Sunday In The Dukedom of Lennox Territory

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Passion Sunday in the Dukedom of Lennox Territory is difficult when The Christian Orthodox Presbyterians can't get along with the other Christians and The Celtic Christian Pagans within the Dukedom of Lennox Territory

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Passion Sunday in the Dukedom of Lennox Territory is difficult when The Christian Orthodox Presbyterians can't get along with the other Christians and The Celtic Christian Pagans within the Dukedom of Lennox Territory.

Lord David Robert Stuart, the first Duke of Lennox Territory preached religious tolerance and preached against it.

In 2180, Lord David Robert Stuart, the first Duke of Lennox Territory addressed his people and he told him from the balcony of Lennox Estate and castle 

In 2180, Lord David Robert Stuart, the first Duke of Lennox Territory addressed his people and he told him from the balcony of Lennox Estate and castle 

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" I will not have anyone within my Dukedom start anything and preach religious intolerance."

Lord David Robert Stuart, 1st Duke of Lennox Territory explains to his people and he doesn't call them his subjects and he addresses them standing on the balcony of Lennox Estate and Castle "My dear people. I traveled here from Pre-World War Three Planet Earth on April 30 with a group of other European Aristocrats."

"We had to flee from Pre-World War Three Planet Earth and one day later World War Three broke out and over 600,000 million innocent people lost their lives." Lord David Robert explains.

"We arrived here four and half years later and it took Lord Patrick William Howard, Lord Edmund Beaufort, Lord John Carey and Lord John Devereux another four years to rebuild our lives here on Star Base 12." Lord David Robert tells his people.

"Do you know that Lord Patrick William Howard, Lord John Devereux, Lord Edward Beaufort, Lord John Carey and I traveled by foot to bid our ancestors who died in the Battle of Bosworth and Flodden before we were forced to flee." Lord David Robert tells his people.

"I am a direct descendant of King Robert I of Scotland and also a direct descendant of King Charles The Second and his youngest natural son." Lord David Robert asks his people.

"King Charles The First of England was executed because he favored Religious tolerance and the Puritans had him executed." Lord David Robert tells his people.

"Within my Peaceful Dukedom. I don't allow any religious intolerance or bias towards anyone." Lord David Robert addresses his people.

"World War Three destroyed my beloved Scotland and the Dukedom of Lennox." Lord David Robert tells his people.

"All of you are children of a brave new world and you need to learn to coexist with each other." Lord David Robert tells his people.


Some 100 years later, Lord David Robert Stuart's great-great-grandson, Lord Alexander Charles Stuart, Duke of Lennox Territory stands outside on the balcony of Lennox Estate and Castle 

Some 100 years later, Lord David Robert Stuart's great-great-grandson, Lord Alexander Charles Stuart, Duke of Lennox Territory stands outside on the balcony of Lennox Estate and Castle 

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and groups of Scottish Highlander Aristocrat young people who are from various of Christian denominations,

and groups of Scottish Highlander Aristocrat young people who are from various of Christian denominations,

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 along with a group of young Celtic Christian Pagans

 and Christian Orthodox Presbyterian people 

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 and Christian Orthodox Presbyterian people 

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sit together on the lawn of Lennox Estate and Castle to listen to Lord Alexander Charles Stuart on Passion Sunday in 2280 and by his side is Lady Josephine Isabella, who is a Christian Catholic.

Lord Alexander Charles greets his people and not his subjects and he tells them "I am Your Duke now. I will not allow any religious intolerance to disturb my peaceful Dukedom. I am not afraid to summon my first cousins, The Dukes of Norfolk, Cambridge, and Sussex to my side from the North."

"We must be peace-makers here in the Dukedom of Lennox Territory. " Lord Alexander Charles states.

"My mother was one of you and my father wouldn't put up with her religious intolerance and he got rid of her and he banished her from The Dukedom of Lennox Territory." Lord Alexander Charles states "So if you want to remain in my Dukedom. You will have to learn to coexist with other religions or I will banish you."

"I don't want to banish any of my dear people." Lord Alexander Charles tells his people."

"I want to wish each of my dear people a blessed Passion Sunday. " Lord Alexander Charles tells his people.

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