GHOSTS IN THE FREEZER- Lights and Speakers

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 Previously I had told you about the lights that flicker and are very dim in the freezer. You actually need a coal miners hardhat with a headlight I wish I had. Standing on top of a ladder about 13 feet in the air  I was struggling trying to read a stock number a little iced over and I could not see it well.  Very frustrated a few choice words came loudly out of my mouth and then the rant begain out loud. "I can't read these &*#@ numbers, why can't they fix the lights in here? This box is frozen shut and I can't get the GD thing opened and it's too heavy to take down the ladder" and on and on and on, literally shouting to no one. I was cold and exhausted just wanting to finish my job and go home! I guess someone was listening because all of the sudden the lights turned bright. I had never seen that before and I worked here about six months so far. I yelled, "THANK YOU VERY MUCH BUT YOU COULD HAVE DONE THIS SOONER WHEN YOU SEE ME FRICKIN STRUGGLING!"

I don't know if it was my HERO or another ghost but I finished getting my items and walked out with my cart, turned around, pushed the close button on the automatic steel doors and as they closed I said, "Thanks for your help tonight I really appr...

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I don't know if it was my HERO or another ghost but I finished getting my items and walked out with my cart, turned around, pushed the close button on the automatic steel doors and as they closed I said, "Thanks for your help tonight I really appreciate it!".  The lights then flickered and went dim again as the doors shut. I was in a mood so I just thought well, if there is someone in there then I'm gunna make that work to my advantage. It never happened again. 

I asked my co-workers if they had ever seen that happen and they said no. There is no way the lights can get brighter.  I couldn't  take my cell phone in to the freezer as it would ice up in seconds and being afraid the lights would go out completely or a ghost would mess with me and turn them off on purpose, I bought a small flashlight that I carried in my jacket pocket when I worked to see things better. Inconvient to use with my bulky thermal gloves but served it's purpose.

Seperating these incidences is easier to describe in detail than one long story as I have mentioned previously, I am not a writer, more of a paragraph reporter verbally with something to say so bare with my miss-spellings, dyslexia  and improper sentence structures.

The speakers in the freezer are for the commissary office workers  intercom system. Old with icicles hanging off of them but useful to communicate with the employees such as , 'clean up on isle 5' or so and so come to the office and things like that. It is never in use after commissary hours as it's locked.

One night about three in the morning, I was alone in the freezer.  The Japanese staff was in the warehouse shooting the breeze, smoking, snacking and joking around. I'm in the freezer pulling stock and all of the sudden I heard loud static coming from the speakers and then Japanese pilots communicating and engaged chasing Russian MiGs in flight but sounded really old like how they talked in the 30's in movies. By the way, this happens daily. American and Japanese planes chasing Russia out of their airspace , a strange cat and mouse game they play and not always will it be advertised on the news the result of these unwanted and unprovoked encounters. There is much that goes on that is not for public knowledge and why America has a presence here.   In the Officers Club there are plaques like medals lining the bar with MiGs shot down by what pilot and the dates and up to date if you catch my drift.  Remember I am on Misawa Air Force Base in nothern Japan with a shared flight line of Japanese and American planes each on opposite sides of the base although united.

I got pretty freaked out. I left my cart and went to the office in the commissary thinking maybe a Japanese supervisor was there and no one was there and the office was locked up.  I thought maybe the Japanese guys were pulling some trick but no. That ended up happening a few times.  Occasionally I would work during the day where it would be common to hear an announcement over the loudspeaker but i never heard one. I asked my co-workers about it and they had heard of this but never heard it themselves and they had been working at the commissary for many years and not to worry. If I had studied Japanese harder I would be able to tell what exactly they were saying, I could only pick out words here and there. I did try to take my phone in to record these things happening but it froze and died immediately, it's below zero in the freezer and my phone just said NOPE.

All the events or encounters, whatever you want to call these experiences happened all the time, some only once or twice, some on the regular and some daily. It was so weird. I was happy the ghosts stayed on base and did not follow me home although a few nights I felt that creepy feeling I get in the freezer while in my house which was located right out of the side gate on the Japanese side of the base and parallel to the flight line.

more to come.....

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