𝐢𝐯. visions through a looking glass

Start from the beginning

"Happy Christmas! I was just about to go and wake you and Harry." He motioned to his torso, "Look at what mums made me. It looks like you and Harry have got one too." The sweater in question was red with a large gold R on it.

"It's brilliant Ron." I smiled.

"I better wake Harry now. Harry, wake up! Come on, Harry, wake up!" Ron yelled. A few seconds later Harry opened the door to his dormitory. "Happy Christmas, Harry."

"Harry Christmas Ron and Margaret." He offered us each a smile. "What are you wearing?" He referred to the sweater.

"Oh. My mum made it. It looks like you've got one too." He looked down at the small pile of presents under the tree.

"I-Ive got presents?" Harry asked, giddy with excitement.

"Yeah!" Harry and I ran down the stairs, stopping in front of the tree. "There they are." Ron pointed to the pile.

Harry walked over and picked up a note attached to one of the presents. "Your father left this in my possession before he died. It is time it was returned to you. Use it well." Harry looked over at the two of us and shrugged his shoulders. He then unwrapped the gift to reveal a blanket-like object.

"What is it?" Ron asked.

"It's some kind of cloak." Harry responded, looking down at it.

"Well, let's see, then. Put it on." Ron asked and Harry wrapped it around his shoulders. To both Ron's and I shock, his entire body disappeared, leaving just his head visable.

"Whoa!" Ron exclaimed.

"That's marvelous!" I grinned.

Harry looked down at his now invisible body. "My body's gone!"

"I know what this is. That's an invisibility cloak!" Ron exclaimed.

"I'm invisible?" Harry spun around, looking down at himself.

"They're really rare." Ron looked down at the note. "I wonder who gave it to you."

"There was no name. It just said, 'use well'."

We spent the rest of the morning opening presents and chatting. Later in the afternoon we decided to go and play in the snow. As the only few students on the grounds, it was quite fun. It was now the evening and Harry had decided to use his new invisibility cloak to sneak into the restricted section. Ron had already gone to bed, and I waited in the common room, reading.

Suddenly, Harry appeared in front of me, causing me to let out a loud gasp. "Merlin's beard! You scared me."

"Sorry." He smiled sheepishly and tugged off the invisibility cloak. "But we've got to wake up Ron! There's something you've got to see!"

Since I was not allowed in the boys' dormitories, I waited for Harry to return. A few minutes later he brought a very groggy and confused Ron down the stairs. "Come on Ron." Harry dragged him.

"What is it you want to show us?" I asked as the three of us squeezed in under the cloak.

"You'll see!" We walked out of the common room and down a few different corridors, finally arriving in an empty classroom. Harry pulled the cloak off and I looked around the relatively empty room.

𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖗 𝖈𝖗𝖔𝖘𝖘𝖊𝖉 ⸻ h. potterWhere stories live. Discover now