♡ puppy-love

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You met erik almost everyday in bedens brook except weekend, his exsistance made you happy. The next saturday, your house door bell rang and you open it lazily, erik was standing in front of your door with his black labrador, velvet, “Hi magno” a big smile on his face greet you excitedly.

“Erik!” you smile at him briefly and turn to his cute dog, his dog wiggle her tail showing that she is happy to see you, “awh she must be velvet, she’s the cutest” you bent down to caress her and she look enjoy it a lot

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“Erik!” you smile at him briefly and turn to his cute dog, his dog wiggle her tail showing that she is happy to see you, “awh she must be velvet, she’s the cutest” you bent down to caress her and she look enjoy it a lot.

“Hi, how are you?"

"Fine, and you both must be so tired"

"Honestly yeah"

"Did you walk with velvet from your house to here?"

He just nodded as he catches his breath back, "may i have water and would you fill up my water bottle please?"

"Sure no problem"

"Thanks" he then give velvet drink from the tap infront of your house and wet her a bit to keep her fresh.

"Here" he drank it right away and put the water bottle in his tiny buckle bag.

"Magno, do you wanna walk with us?" he offered.

“Sure, but let me hold her leash” you begged.

“here you go” he hand you velvet leash and smiled.

You both walk from your neighborhood to the club through a small wood forest, you and erik can’t stop chatting and joking along the way.

After walking half way, you both took a rest, sitting under this huge tree inside the forest.

“Wow what a beautiful giant tree”

“yeah its massive, lets make a mark of our name”

“Sure, oh what about making time capsule too?”

“thats briliant idea” erik start to craving his initial name and yours in the trunk.

“Sweet” its writing a small E+M letter.

“Write down something here, i’ll do after you” you gave erik paper and pen.

“What should i write?”

“anything, your feelings, your dream in the future, just write whatever you want”

“mmmmh ok” he seems very serious on writing something, it took the whole page of paper.

“erik, you write novel?”

He just laughed and handed you the pen, “here, your turn” you also focus writing something while erik took out a roll camera and start taking candid picture of you, you realize when you hear the shutter sound.

“hey.. you brought camera?” you’re shy but still smile on the camera for him, “give me that camera, let me take some pics of you” you said, erik smile and make funny faces to make you laugh. Then erik put both of your letters in a small bottle and burry it under the big tree. “we should come back here in 10 years”

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