22.2 || Not Alone

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Josh spun toward the unfamiliar voice. His eyes widened. A cloaked figure stood just within the vision the fog allowed him, a sword pointed right at him.

Stumbling back a few steps, Josh threw his hand up between him and the new arrival. A man, based on the voice. Shorter than Josh by almost half a foot, and although the cloak made it hard to tell, he appeared slight in build. Made for grace rather than strength. His hood was pulled low, covering most of his face, but the lower part was left exposed, revealing olive skin and a mouth quirked in amusement.

"Who are you?" Josh demanded, then through the bond he said, Boomer?

Already done. Ezraim will inform Cale you have a guest. Boomer growled, as if he could somehow threaten the man from across the bond.

The man cocked his head to the side. He flicked his wrist, and the sword flipped through the air. He easily caught it by the blade, fingers positioned perfectly to balance it without being cut. "I am someone returning what you lost."

It felt like bait, but Josh glanced down. The sword stretching between him and the stranger was familiar. Josh used a basic sword given by the Sanctuary, but what would one be doing out here if it wasn't his?

Watching the man, Josh dismissed his lightning and grabbed the sword hilt. The man released the weapon without so much as a tug.

Josh dropped his arm to his side, but he kept loose, ready to bring it up in defense at a moment's notice. He studied the man further, a theory brewing.

"Gamal?" he guessed.

"At your service." Gamal spread his hands to either side and performed a small but elegant bow. That small, amused tilt to his lips hadn't left. He twirled his wrist, and another familiar weapon suddenly appeared in his grip. "You aren't with your friend, but I thought I'd extend my gratitude to both of you for returning this to me."

His dagger. The one Josh and Kaitlyn hadn't been able to find after she dropped it. Wincing, Josh nodded to it.

"I'm sorry, but I'm going to need that back."

"To break the ward around the seal." It wasn't a question. Gamal knew the reason exactly, yet he had taken it.

Josh shifted his weight uncomfortably. "Well, yes. But I swear, we're nothing like Lucien! We want to get the seal before the Shadow Knights. They have your other dagger."

The others now know who he is, Boomer said. And they think they may have found a safe path down.

Gamal fiddled with the dagger, and although Josh couldn't see his eyes, he was sure the Sage examined the weapon. "I know. You're not alone in here, Paladin."

Josh jolted. "What?"

"This realm rearranged itself not to further separate your lot, but because another group entered."

And now they'll also know this, Boomer said, his voice strained.

"No, they can't be." Josh shook his head. They'd only taken this risk because they were sure the Shadow Knights would never know.

"My friend is already tending to their group, so unless you believe her a liar..." Gamal shrugged.

Wow, they had managed to find another realm with two protectors. But that wasn't important. The Shadow Knights were also here. Josh and the others had a head start, though. That had to mean something, right?

"Why are you telling me this?" The question was out before Josh could stop it, and once it was, he realized how little he trusted this conversation. "Sorry to compare, but Aharon and Moshe weren't quite this forthcoming."

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