Chapter 4

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"So, what's heaven like?" Tubbo asked, eating a large spoonful of ice-cream from the bulk-sized tub his father had gifted him before he'd left, "Because I've never been, obviously, and you've been to both and it's really not fair if you get to ask first." He stated, which was convincing enough to Tommy.

"Uhh, sure. I mean, it's like here but everyone lives in cottages a mile apart and everything's in the clouds..." Tommy explained from his spot on the spinny chair of his new desk.

The room around them (which was, bar a bathroom to the right as you entered the room, a standard dorm room) contained two twin beds on either side of the cramped room with only a bedside table between them. The beds fortuitously contained a large space underneath for storage in drawers, so they'd managed to unpack easily enough.

Henry sat proudly on Tommy's bed just as Benson was on Tubbo's. They each had pulled out their animals at the same time, and, when they'd looked to see if the other had seen it, had spotted the other's teddy and so a silent agreement to keep them out had been arranged.

Tubbo's duvet was black and white, like a bee's, whereas Tommy's was a red and white TNT themed bed, a not-so-subtle joke which had disturbed Ranboo when he'd seen it. But Tubbo didn't know the truth, so Tommy planned to keep him in the dark about his joke duvet's history. His headboard was a disgusting metal, which Tubbo had tutted at as a fire hazard almost as soon as he entered the room. Sure, it wasn't the nicest place in the world, but it was good enough and Tommy could deal with it. At least he wasn't alone.

"How does that work? Do you walk on clouds, or is there something over it? And do the clouds look like clouds?" Tubbo asked, which were all reasonable questions, but perhaps not at lightning speeds.

"It's... I mean, it depends. Some areas, like parks and stuff, are like small grassy areas on clouds but you can see around the grass there's a bit of cloud, and you can look down from bridges and see the sky. And they're all white and fluffy. But in the city, it's usually one larger bit of cloud so you wouldn't really notice." Tommy explained, "But I dunno how it works. Probably magic." Tommy shrugged.

"And Hell, what's that like?" He asked, and a lightbulb went off in Tubbo's mind.

"Tommy! I know what we can do!"

Tubbo grabbed Tommy's hand, and they were off...

Tommy had managed to get from being dragged by Tubbo across the floor to being led by Tubbo in the ten minutes it took them to get to the ground floor of the building. In that time, rapidfire questions had been asked by both parties, however it was clear that Tubbo was the main asker – he was nothing if not prolific. Still, Tommy found he rather liked Ranboo, and he had an inkling that Ranboo would have felt the same (that is, if they'd ever meet, which wasn't exactly likely).

His and Tubbo's expedition had been a welcome distraction from the bombshell that was his life, and so Tommy didn't particularly mind that he was going somewhere unfamiliar with a demon he'd known for around two hours. Of course, they shared a room, so it wasn't like he wouldn't be a suspect in the case of Tommy's murder, but he wasn't sure that anyone would even investigate if he wound up dead. But Tommy didn't think Tubbo was like that, so he continued to follow the boy.

Tommy was not wearing his hoodie when he left his room for the second time. In the sweltering heat of hell, nobody wore coats, and some brave folks even wore nothing. Tommy didn't envy them.

"Tubso, where are we going? How far is it?" He asked as they rounded another corner of the dull city blocks they were in, but Tubbo waved him off.

"Just to a friend's house. They're a bit older than us, but I like him, and you probably only have the other angels on the exchange, so you should get to know them, too." Tubbo explained.

Angel TommyInnit In HellWhere stories live. Discover now