02 bitter family reunion.

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Present day storybrooke Maine melody's pov so hook what are you doing in storybrooke"? Melody asked killan. Yeah about that I didn't come alone melody". Killan replied. What are you talking about hook"? Melody asked confused as a brunette wearing a pair of jeans and a sweater appeared next to Killan. Melody I'm not sure if you've ever met but this is my younger sister Riley". Riley shyly waved at melody from next to Killan. Pleasure to meet you". Melody said to Riley as Riley just waved. Riley it's ok melody's a friend". Killan said to his sister. Actually she's my daughter an enemy". A new voice said. Pan". Killan growled angrily as Peter Pan emerged from the shadows. Hello melody". Peter Pan said to his daughter. Father". Melody said bitterly. Now now melody don't be bitter". Peter Pan said to his daughter. You abandoned me when I was six I have every right to be bitter". Melody replied. But now I'm here we can be a family again". Peter Pan said to his daughter. She already has a family". A new voice cut in a burst of magic pushing Peter Pan away from melody. Melody turned to see who had used magic to push her father away from her and her eyes widened in relief as she saw it had been Regina who used magic to push Peter Pan away from melody. Gina"! Melody cried running over to hug Regina as Peter Pan glared at Regina disappearing in a puff of magic. 

Riley hook played by Adele Kane. 


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