Chapter 7

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*carefully publish the chapter* *ducks before getting hit with someone's phone* OK so you guys are mad and I don't blame you I don't update often and who is to blame? My schedule here's y'all update

Kirstie ran to Mitch's house to talk to him. She ran across other people's lawns and almost got hit by a car on the way there but she is OK. She knocked on his door and his mom answered,

"Hey Momma G you look pretty. Are you leaving? Is Mitch here?"

"Woah calm down child. First thank you. Second yes I am found to Vegas with Mike and third yes. He is in his room."

"Thanks Momma G!" Kirstie said and ran upstairs. As soon as she heard Mrs. Grassi leave she jumped on his bed. "Mitch Mitch Mitch!!!! Who do you like at school. Please tell me!"

Mitch looked up from his geometry book and stared at Kirstie. "I like Scott and can you be quiet I'm studying."

Kirstie looked at him with shock, "Wow. When Scott told me he liked you he was scared. Oh shit I wasn't supposed to say anything."

"Good job Kirstie."

"Oh shut up and let's go to Scott's house so I can tell him I told you. Also can I tell him you like him back so he won't feel bad?"

"Sure whatever I don't care." Mitch said but on the inside he was scared. Only cause Kirstie could be lying.

Time skip

Mitch and Kirstie arrived at Scott's house in five minutes considering they drove. Mitch opened the door to his house and went inside knowing that his parents weren't home he yelled up to him,

"Scott!!! Come down here."

"I'm tired though." Scott whined from upstairs. So Kirstie walked upstairs but Mitch dusted pass her and jumped on Scott.

"Scott! Kirstie told me that you liked me but it's Ok cause I like you too. So will you be my boyfriend?"

"Hey where did that confidence come from? Also yes I will, and Kirstie?" Scott said sitting up


"I'm mad at you and I'm not telling you another secret ever." Scott said as he "pouted"

"I'm sowwy Dip-Dot I'll go get you Starbucks!" Kirstie said "pouting" as well.

"Sure get Mitchie some too cause I'm pretty sure he wants some."

"Yup bye Kirst we love you❤" Mitch said.

Kirstie left and got the coffee. When she came back they hung out and all that good stuff but Kirstie and Mitch left at like 8 cause Mitch had a test the next day.


Yup finally did it! Did you like it? Yes or no? Yes! Cool I'll update more often hopefully but until then...


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