Chapter 10

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"This is just my theory but Kathy tried to drug Landon, right? Its timing was so well calculated that Landon would go out of control and attack you guys when they were supposed to meet you and Damien. And Kathy would simply reap the benefits."

"Bingo. I gave him herbs to stay sober and a sedative in it so he passed out soon after meeting me. He must have felt its effect and still wanted the rewards of killing a candidate. He knew he couldn't handle me in that situation so he went for Kathy, the easier target."

"So you planned it all. Why?"

"Cause girls like Kathy piss me off. She would be a pain in the ass teaming up with Landon anyway," she shrugged and looked at him innocently, "so I got rid of her."

"You are interesting just as Zion said. I should get going then."

"Wait. Who is this Rylee? I mean how and why did she even get in?"

"Don't know the details," he shrugged, "but she is pretty high up the ladder within the gang. We aren't allowed to injure her."

Skylar's viewpoint:

I stared at Dylan's back as he waved me goodbye and walked into the pitch-black darkness. I wondered who this Rylee is. But that's a lie. I know exactly who she is and why she is here. That man rambled on so much about her that I can almost imagine in my head how she looks in real life. Anyway, I needed to find her as soon as possible before any of Zion's men do. I didn't wanna miss my share of fun and drama.

As soon as I started walking again to search for this Rylee, an incoming call appeared on my watch from Damien.

"What is it? Miss me already?"

"Sure, I just can't stop thinking about why you forced me to trust Landon. Fortunately, I'm not dead yet but I think he is setting up a trap for me."

"How so? You guys didn't meet up yet?"

"He claims to lead me through a path that goes in the same direction of Karma and that we should follow him individually. How does he know the interior locations in here so well anyway?"

"He might be extremely good at analyzing geographical locations," I shrugged a bit as I continued walking, "I bet you are getting the rough idea of this interior too. Why would you think that he is setting up a trap?"

"Because I think that he is trying to have me ambush Karma on my own and he would never show up."

"Understandable. But trust me, if that is his plan, he would be hiding nearby and have fun seeing you get beaten to a pulp by Karma."

"Excuse you, but that won't be happening. I found out that he had been leading me down a different path because I found a small treasure chest that wouldn't be there if Landon or Karma passed that area before me. And I found a loaded revolver and 3 QR stickers in it."

"Well, congrats. But I suggest you use the revolver on Karma carefully. And don't worry about Landon. If he does betray you, I promise you will get the pleasure of seeing him devastated in despair and misery."

"What are you planning?"

"A sweet surprise for some certain people," and I hung up on the call immediately. He didn't need to know too much. Then, let's find the little bird who was about to make my night there a whole lot more interesting.

{Damien's viewpoint}

I had been silently following along with all the directions that Landon had been telling me for a while now. I knew that he got QR stickers from Skylar before but he should be running out soon. This meant that he should have be materializing the trap anytime now. I turned over various possibilities about it in my head and finally get a call from Landon again.

A Game of Love and BetrayalOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz