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Anne's heart pounded in her chest as she fled through the dense forest, her fear driving her deeper into the darkness of the woods. She was so exhausted that she almost couldn't breath, but  she was determined to keep running for help. The problem was that she had no idea where she was, her instinct dampened by everything she had been through.

But as she stumbled over gnarled roots and tangled undergrowth, her strength began to fail her. Her legs felt heavy, her lungs burned with exertion until she could no longer take another step and with a desperate cry, she collapsed to the forest floor, her body trembling with exhaustion from running and the last shot of her silver dose.

When she woke up, it was to a world of confusion and chaos. Voices clamored around her, urgent and concerned, as she struggled to make sense of her surroundings. Her body felt heavy and sluggish, her mind clouded with confusion as she tried to remember how she had ended up here.

She was surrounded by strangers, a wave of overwhelming emotion crashed over her. Tears welled up in her eyes, blurring her vision as she struggled to make sense of the chaos around her. The paramedics' gentle hands probed her body, checking for injuries, their concerned murmurs adding to her sense of disorientation. She could feel the weight of their gazes bearing down on her, their eyes filled with a mixture of sympathy and concern.

Unable to contain her fear and frustration any longer, Anne's sobs began to wrack her body, her chest heaving with each ragged breath. It was a gut-wrenching release, the culmination of the fear and uncertainty that had been building inside her since she first woke in the forest.

"I... I don't know," she managed to choke out between sobs, when they started to ask questions. "I just don't remember."

She was their best chance to find them, get to know them, test them, torture them and kill them.

The commander, who was standing nearby, secretly grinned. Side effect of the fourth dose: memory loss.

They will just wait for her to remember and continue again.

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