Chapter 4

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For a brief mintue, I understood  why Heartslabyul students were afraid of their prefect.

Without the ceremonial robes partially covering his face, Riddle's presence felt stronger. Fuller. It gave me an unsettling sense of déjà vu that I couldn't ignore.

Well, it could have unsettled me, if not for his tie.

 Unlike everyone else, he had tied his tie into a bow that looked like it belonged to a teddy bear or other stuffed animal. Like how could anybody take him seriously with that thing on?

His arrival did not go unnoticed by the other tables. Students, mostly the ones in the Heartslabyul vest were squirming in their seats.

Fortunate for them, his attention was on a very pale and open-mouthed Ace.

"Hey, Riddle! What's shaking pal? You're looking adorbs, as always," Cater tried to lighten up the sinking atmosphere. 

Riddle shot his attempt down. "Cater.  Keep running that mouth and you'll lose it soon- along with the rest of your head."

"Sorry, sorry.My bad!"

"You're the guy who put that stupid collar on me at the orientation ceremony!", Grimm snarled not-so-inconspicuously.

"And you're the monster that we kicked out during orientation. I'll ask that you not refer to my Unique Magic as a 'stupid collar'."

I quickly shoved a bun into Grimm's mouth to stop him from causing a bigger blowup than Ace did with the Heartsabyul prefect.

Riddle watched me, his frown deepening. "And there's you", he said. "The one from the orientation. The new admission in the school."

His mouth twisted as if it tasted unpleasant to say it out loud. "I understand that the head mage might have pardoned you from whatever damage you caused yesterday. Now that you are a student, you won't be let off the hook as easily. But if you break any rules in the future, I assure you I won't be as lenient as him."

"I'm not in your dorm", I blurted out. Gods, maybe I should have stuffed my mouth beforehand. 

Riddle did not appear too pleased with my remark. "Oh? And does that entitle you to do whatever you please? You might be a prefect but the rules apply to you as much as anybody in this school. Do you understand?"

It took all my strength to keep my mouth shut and nod, despite my blood boiling from his tone. I wouldn't say I liked how he spoke at all, and it prickled some of my deep memories. I shut those down as quickly as I could.

"This guy looks like a wimp, but talks like a monster", Ace muttered under his breath. Not a smart choice since I could hear it from across the table and the guy in question was right next to him. 

Riddle swiftly pulled the collar on Ace's neck, dragging him along. "I considered removing this collar once you'd taken an opportunity to reflect upon your crimes. But I've not detected so much as a hint of remorse in the foolishness I've heard you spout today. So I think I'll let you keep that for a while."

Ace gritted his teeth, as Riddle continued. "Your inability to use magic might prevent you from causing any more trouble. The first-year curriculum is mostly theoretical, so it won't impede your studies."

He let go of the collar with a flick. "Now quit gossiping and get ready for your next class. Rule no. 271 is quite clear: 'One must leave the table within fifteen minutes of completing their lunch'. You do understand what happens to rule-breakers, I trust?"

"More insane rules..."

I mentally yelled at Ace to shut the heck up. Something about the way Riddle's eyes darkened gave me an unpleasant feeling—oily ink stains dripping down my neck. I flinched slightly.

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