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Another short chapter ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ I got so busy with the FANLIVE

Beomgyu had spent several days at the hospital, undergoing tests and examinations to ensure there were no major complications with his health. Finally, the day came when he was discharged and allowed to return home. Siwoo, a close friend who had been by his side throughout his hospital stay, accompanied him.

As they entered Beomgyu's apartment, Siwoo immediately took charge of the situation, heading to the kitchen to prepare a meal for her friend. Beomgyu's parents, busy with their successful businesses, were unable to be there to welcome him home. Though Beomgyu understood their absence, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness.

Settling into his favorite living room chair, Beomgyu picked up his beloved book, one that reminded him of a boy from his past. The book delved into the world of science, which had always piqued the curiosity of that boy with doe-like eyes. Beomgyu realized that the boy's fascination stemmed from his interest in scientific concepts. As he read, memories flooded back, and Beomgyu realized that he hadn't visited the cafe where his hyung worked and own.

Pulling out his phone, Beomgyu opened his WeChat and sent a message to the owner of the cafe, Yeonjun. He informed Yeonjun of his recent hospital stay and his return home. Concerned for Beomgyu's well-being, Yeonjun suggested visiting him at his apartment. Beomgyu agreed, and Yeonjun promised to arrive within 10 minutes.

As Beomgyu awaited Yeonjun's arrival, Siwoo finished cooking their meal and set the table. Just as she was about to serve the food, the doorbell rang. Siwoo hurriedly made her way to the entrance, opening the door to find a tall, handsome man standing before her. She recognized him as Yeonjun, the owner of the cafe and Beomgyu's friend. Siwoo smiled and welcomed him inside, knowing that he meant no harm.

What surprised Siwoo was the bouquet of flowers and a small box that Yeonjun carried with him. She hadn't noticed them earlier. Yeonjun walked over to Beomgyu, presenting him with the bouquet. Beomgyu accepted it graciously but expressed that it wasn't necessary for Yeonjun to bring him gifts. Yeonjun blushed, scratching his neck nervously, and stumbled over his words as he explained his reasons for the gesture.

"I uhh, uhm I stumbled upon a flower store and that flower reminded me of you" The male shyly scratched the back of his neck, smiling nervously. Why did he think of buying those bouquets? They weren't even dating, but he shrugged it off and changed the topic to avoid more embarrassing words that could really destroy his ego.

Siwoo observed the interaction from the sidelines, her eyes widening as she noticed the pink tint on Yeonjun's ears. It became clear to her that the owner of the cafe had developed feelings for Beomgyu. Crossing her arms, Siwoo nodded in approval, even though Yeonjun hadn't sought her approval. She silently hoped that Yeonjun would stay by Beomgyu's side, knowing that he brought happiness to his friend's life.

As they sat down to enjoy their meal, Beomgyu and Yeonjun engaged in lively conversation, catching up on each other's lives. Siwoo watched them, a warm smile on her face, as she realized that this unexpected visit had brought a new spark into Beomgyu's life. She couldn't help but feel grateful for Yeonjun's presence and the joy he brought to her friend.

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