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Beomgyu calmly walk through the park, admiring the view he would encounter. This is how his daily life works, after eating he would go to the park not only just by admiring the view but also to visit the places that has lots of memories when he was young. He would come very often to go to the same place in the park, a very big old tree where he saw a young boy setting on the branch. It was a memory he couldn't forget.

He touch the branch where the boy sat, he smile sadly, he wondered how was the boy doing. He hope to meet the little boy again and maybe became friends again.

As soon as the clock strikes 10, he left the park and continue his adventure by visiting a very familiar cafe. it was his favorite cafe in their city and it was will known for its yummy pastry and flavorful coffee. He would come visit it to spend his time as he enjoy the delicious food.

As he walked through the side roads, he finally arrived at the cafe. Harmony Cafe. Opening the entrance, he was greeted by the owner with a smile. Knowing exactly what to order, Beomgyu didn't bother to say what he wants and easily handed his credit card to pay.

"You exactly know what I want, hyung" Beomgyu giggle as he handed the credit card. The older male just replies with a soft laugh, that sounds music to everyone's ears.

"You always come here just to order the same thing, Gyu" He handed the card back, and look up to the male smiling. "Going to the same spot?".

"Yep" Beomgyu nodded and walk towards his usually spot he goes, it was a table close to the entrance and had a beautiful view outside that give him warmth by admiring the view. After finding himself comfortable in his seat, it was a perfect timing for his food to arrive.

As Beomgyu sips his coffee, Yeonjun approaches him, and they engage in a friendly chat. Their relationship has grown from mere customer and cafe owner to close acquaintances, thanks to Beomgyu's frequent visits to the cafe. However, the conversation is bittersweet for Yeonjun, who struggles with his unrequited feelings for Beomgyu.

"Hyung, you always serve delicious coffee I could never get use to this. Hehehe makes me crave for it everyday" The younger said, in the middle of their conversation. The older let out a series of small laugh. "Then you always should visit everyday".

"Hehehe, too much work. Why don't I just hire you" Beomgyu put down his cup of coffee and smile genuinely at the older. The older return the smile, putting his arms on the table resting them and gently rest his chin on his palm looking lovingly at the younger, but the younger was too naive to notice it.

They continue their small conversation with different topics, small bickers and laughs. After finishing his coffee and a small snack, Beomgyu left the cafe.

After leaving the cafe, Beomgyu visits the hospital for a routine check-up. His personal doctor, Doctor Park, is familiar with Beomgyu's condition and is always thorough with his examination. After discussing Beomgyu's activities that morning, Doctor Park concludes that Beomgyu seems to be doing fine.

Once at home, Beomgyu's day takes a terrifying turn. As he heads to the couch to rest, he suddenly collapses, struggling to breathe. His illness, which had been dormant for two years, has violently resurfaced. He coughs hard, so hard that he starts coughing
up blood. His vision blurs, and he passes out.

Fortunately, Siwoo, a close friend, is visiting and witnesses Beomgyu's collapse. She immediately calls an ambulance and stays by his side, crying and holding his hand until help arrives. Beomgyu is rushed to the emergency room, leaving Siwoo to wait anxiously outside.

Siwoo struggles to call the young lad's parents because were always busy, after a few calls Beomgyu's parents finally answer the call leaving them shock and afraid wasting no time to get to the hospital.

Beomgyu's parents arrive at the hospital, joining Siwoo in her vigil. Overwhelmed with worry and fear, they pray for their son's health, hoping against hope that he will pull through.

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