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Short chapter!

The sterile smell of the hospital was soon replaced with a palpable tension as Beomgyu's parents and Siwoo anxiously awaited news on Beomgyu's condition. The minutes felt like hours, each tick of the clock amplifying their shared anxiety. Finally, the doctor emerged from the emergency room, his face a mask of concern and empathy.

"Beomgyu is fighting, he's doing his best," he began, his voice steady despite the gravity of the situation. "But his illness is progressing. It's getting worse." The words hung in the air, a harsh reality that brought Beomgyu's parents to tears. They felt their hope for their son's recovery start to wane, replaced with a fear they didn't dare to voice.

However, the doctor was quick to add, "But there's still hope. He needs rest, and he needs to take his medication regularly and on time. If he does, there's a chance he could get better." With that, he excused himself, leaving Beomgyu's family to process the news.

Once the doctor had departed, Beomgyu's parents and Siwoo were allowed to visit him. The sight of Beomgyu, lying still and pale on the hospital bed, was too much for Mr. and Mrs. Choi. They held their son's hands, tears streaming down their faces. Siwoo stood a little distance away, her own tears falling silently.

As they waited for Beomgyu to wake, Siwoo found herself praying. She prayed for Beomgyu's strength, for his recovery, for the life he deserved to live. Her heart ached to see him in such a state, and she promised herself to do everything she could to help him get better.

After a few hours, Beomgyu finally stirred. Siwoo was the first to notice, rushing to his side and throwing her arms around him. Beomgyu's parents joined in, their relief evident in their tight hugs and soft words of comfort.

"How are you feeling, Beomgyu?" Mr. Choi asked, his voice choked with emotion. Beomgyu managed a small smile and assured them he was doing fine. Siwoo playfully scolded him, reminding him to take his condition seriously and to take care of himself.

In the days that followed, Beomgyu's parents became increasingly protective. They hovered over him, ensuring he took his medication on time and got plenty of rest. They were paranoid, their fear of losing their son manifesting in their overprotectiveness.

Siwoo, on the other hand, remained Beomgyu's steadfast companion. She was there for him, providing comfort and companionship, reminding him of the world outside the hospital and the life he would soon return to. She was his beacon of hope, his reminder that even in the darkest times, there was always a light at the end of the tunnel.

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