"And last but not least, the Hogwarts champion, Cedric Diggory!"

Everyone clapped and cheered as the honey blonde boy, Cedric walked up to the gray haired headmaster, claiming piece of parchment and the glory that would be the beginning of the end.

"We have our three champions!"

Every teenager in the hall stood up and clapped, Veronica was taking the moment in and her eyes landed on the blue flames. Not even a second later the flames started turning red.

Soon everyone else noticed too, Dumbledore was stunned the moment he turned around. Everyone looked at Dumbledore for answers but his clueless look didn't provide any answers.

And soon enough another name emerged from the flames. It was caught by Dumbledore, he read it to him self at first. He looked like he was about to faint and shock was written all over his aged face. He mouthed a name and to Veronica it was like he mouthed a very familiar name.

Veronica looked at Harry who looked like there wasn't a single thought behind his green eyes.

"Harry Potter?" He then spoke, not loud but loud enough for everyone hear.

All eyes landed on Harry who sank in his seat. His now worried eyes looked for a safe place and found a pair of doe eyes - Veronica's big brown ones.

"What do I do?" He asked, as if she would know.

Before Veronica could say anything Hermione pushed the boy forward. He couldn't hide from this.

Veronica squeezed his hand as a sign of comfort before he followed Hermione's nudge and walked forward. She didn't even know she did it until she had done it. Harry seemed surprised but he welcomed it.

He was ready to welcome everything about Veronica. How could he have judged her so quickly?

As the raven haired boy walked up to the now furious looking headmaster people voiced their opinions, straight to his face.

People called him a cheat and booed at him as others glared at him angrily.

Veronica could feel an angry glare from behind her. She looked over her shoulder to see Ron, his eyes was staring daggers at his best friend.

The audacity to be jealous of someone in Harry's situation.

Someone else who was glaring daggers at Harry was Dumbledore. From across the room Veronica could she that Dumbledore stared into the raven haired boy's soul as he handed him the piece of parchment with his name on.

The boy didn't know what to do but figured that he should walk of to where all of the other champions went. But before he went he shot Veronica one last look.

As Veronica layed down in her bed that night she couldn't help but wonder what was being said to Harry in that room. Was he going to compeat? That was the question everyone at Hogwarts was wondering as the september rain was pouring down outside.

After Harry was told to piss of by a jealous and unsympathetic Ron the boy found himself sitting in the commonroom, staring at the fire burning in the fireplace.

He had tried to sleep but quite understandably he couldn't. His mind was racing.

He was so deep in thought that he didn't hear footsteps coming down the stone stairs. Or when those same footsteeps walked over to him.

"Do you mind if I sit?" Veronica's sweet voice asked as her eyes looked to meet his.

"Not at all, please." Harry said, he applauded himself for not being awkward. He probably would've been if he had had a moment to think about this conversation.

The brunette happily sat down, placing her feet on the coffeetable infront of her as she sank in her seat.

"I didn't put my name in." Harry said, still looking straight ahead.

"I didn't ask." Veronica responded, turning her face towards Harry.

"But you did want to?" Harry spoke but at her lack of response at his arrogant comment Harry turned to face the girl that was sitting next to him, "Right?"

Veronica shook her head and her curls bounsed at the movement.

Harry look confused.

Everyone had been convinced that he was craving attention and fame, that he had cheated to keep the light on himself.

But that wasn't at all the case and Veronica knew that.

"Why not?" He questioned, now his entire body was facing the pretty brunette next to him.

"I can already tell that you didn't put your name in those flames." Her sweet voice said.


"The look on your face when Dumbledore called your name said it all." Veronica stated, "I'm not blind but I do wonder who did."


Authors Note: I feel like this chapter is really boring but I have more interesting chapters planed.

The Little Space In Between - Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now