under attack - 1

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One of the alience bases were relaxing because all of the toilets in the area were killed some large speakermen were sitting on big toilets  large cameramen were also sitting with them speakermen were dancing with some cameramen some drillmen were watching from a watchtower and large clockman was hangingo out with the large cameramen and speakermen when a drill man saw a silhouette in the distance and hits the emergency button alerting all of the base of the threat bur before he could tell everyone to evacuate his head gets cut off and fell onto the floor as his body does the same. The base seeing this trys to evacuate only to get killed to but as the large clockman sees the silhouette  and stops time as they see its a tvman with wings but as they were checking it out time resumes and (I'll just call winged tvman HIM/he because he is HIM) he beheads a large speakerman and was about to do the same to the large clockman which was the last one alive but before he could a tvman teleports in and teleports the large clockman away to another alience base.

(5 hour timeskip).

All of the elites and titans gathered to talk about this new threat.

(Elite cameraman pov).

Me and all the other elites and titans and my beloved tvwomen gather to talk about this new threat when electric tvman (from my other book) came in and put a picture captured before the cameraman that was recording died and it was a picture of him when tvwomen suddenly spoke up.

"That's my brother my real brother i had before this war i can tell by the blue tie".

I was in shock MY BELOVED TVWOMEN HAS A BROTHER AND I DIDNT KNOW!?!?!?! I will figure out who this guy is and make him come back to the aliences side and them my beloved tvwomen will finally love me yes that is what I shall do and then she won't be able to refuse me. After the meeting I go out to find this winged tvman once I find him I will challenge him to a battle and once I win I will bring him back to the base and my beloved tvwomen will finally love me.

(Winged tvman pov).

I was just flying around to find some food after doing that slaughter a few hours ago all were delicious except for that one cameraman he just tasted like salt but that's okay because the others needed some salt they tasted bland alone so I put the salt to use I are hi m first for the salt and then ate the rest anyways I'm still mad about that clock guy man bla bla bla whatever the fuck that got away he might of had some useful technology  but there's also the technology I tool from those people I killed some speakers and cameras that attached to myself so I can see my back so I don't get sneak attacked and the speakers in my front for electronic soundwaves to deafen and or kill opponent I read that from a book because I had no idea what it was and I have books because before I left I raded their library I continued walking around when I found a dead cameraman traped under rubble and I suddenly had a flasback about me trying to fight some enemies I'm guessing that were in toilets when a giant with drills appered and shook the ground making a watchtower fall on me and they left me there he was in the same situation i was in so I went over and picked him up and noticed he had tears (oil) on his lens so its obvious he was wronged so i touched and healed him.

"Live another life have another chance and kill the people who wronged you".

I healed him and gave him upgrades along with wiping his memorys and when he woke up he just flew away possibly to kill those people so I followed him to a base where I saw lots of people lots of food so much food so I dropped down killed the guards and kicked down a metal door as the camera guy flew away to another building but it turns out alot of people have heard of me as 2 large cameramen run at me but get sliced in half by my wings but as im abour to kill a cameraman thats recording one of the large cameramen sneaks behind me and hits me over the head knocking me out. When I woke up I was in a cell where I couldn't use my powers when I girl with a tv for a head came in.

(Tvwomens pov).

I heard that someone captured my brother and he was contained in a cell in a base so I immediately went to see him.

"Hello bro-".

"Who are you?".

I was shocked and sad he didn't remember me... you know what I will make him remember so I bring in large tvman to show him the recordings of all of us together me and him us with the tv race but still he said he wouldn't join the alience so I had to make a decision I asked him to just join the tv race again and he said he would.

(5 hours later and winged tvman pov).

I was in the tv base with tvwomen (she told him her name) while she was walking around a cameraman with a brown suit ran up and tried to hug her but I caught him and traped him in my wing after a while he fell asleep I was wondering why until I touched my wing and it was super soft personally I don't blame him for falling asleep I would too anyways he seems important to tvwomen so I let him sleep in my wing because I didn't want to drop and risk hurting him.

a winged tvmanWhere stories live. Discover now