When I managed to take in the familiar scenery, only then did I calm down. So many thoughts raced through my mind, some unwanted and some very unwanted.

    What— What was that?! What the hell was that?!

I was quick to stand up when the weirdest parts of the dream came back to mind.

    "Revali? Why would he say something like that?" I sucked in a deep breath, filling my lungs with air before aggressively blowing it out.

    Stumbling to the mirror, my face was a bright shade of red. My stomach churned with unease but... in a strangely pleasant way. Whatever it was, that Rito got a little too close. Ignore him being smitten but me being smitten? No. Not happening. I will not be wooed by a man in a dream.

I rinsed my face, trying to calm down but nothing could distract me so soon. I've never had a dream like that.

The expression on Revali's face just before it all went wrong flashed through my mind. He looked like he was admiring something undeniably beautiful. He was admiring me. He was looking at me that way. My chest filled with a warmth entirely alien to the rest of my body. It was a sensation I wish I could feel for the rest of my life. But I knew what it was, and I knew it was never going to last.

I leaned in close to the reflection, looking closely at my face. There were no feathers around my eyes nor my tailbone, only my arms. Peeling one of the bandages off, I took a good look at the small feathers growing, "Alluring..."

My heart danced at the memory of those words. Hell, they weren't even real, but I heard them. No one in this kingdom is insane enough to truly feel that way towards a monstrosity like me though. Just as much as my heart lifted, images of the Rito in my dream flashed through my mind, and my heart broke a little more with each thought.

"Why does it have to be this way...?" My voice cracked as I fought back tears, my vision blurred. Sinking to the floor and grabbing a handful of the plumage, I ripped them out.

Why do I have to be this way?

Just as I unwrapped my other arm, a gasp sounded next to me. My eyes met with Alora who stood over me on the floor.

Both of us were in complete shock, staring wide-eyed without saying a word. My mouth as well as hers was agape.

Why... Why is she in here?!

Just as my tears dried due to the shock, they rapidly began forming once more.

"(Y/n)...?" Alora's voice was shaky as she slowly dropped down to my level. I couldn't say anything, looking away in complete shame and hoping to vanish. My heart felt like it was about to explode, pounding violently in my chest. I was nauseated by it all.

    How do I get out of this? What's going to happen to me? My mind spun as I frantically searched for a way out of this horrifying position. I'm going to have to face her! Even my inner voice was emotional, practically screaming at me. The longer I could feel her eyes on me, the more surreal it all became.

    Very quickly, everything began to feel numb, as if nothing was even real to begin with. It was like I had gone into a state of insensible shock.

"(Y/n) look at me." Her voice was soft, yet I couldn't read her tone. It felt so far away from me. My body began to faintly tremble. From what? I don't even know. Fear perhaps? I tilted my head toward her, only daring to peek at her. Large tears poured down my cheeks.

"It's just me. The same old Alora you've known." She continued to speak, "I'm not mad, or upset. I just want to make sure you're alright." She placed a wing on my back and her familiar scent washed over me, the final blow that pushed me into a heaping mess of sobs. The Rito didn't waste a second to envelop me in her wings.

I cried into her embrace for the better half of an hour, unable to utter a word. Anytime I tried, I would just start crying again. I didn't even realize it, but I exhausted myself to the point of falling right back asleep, practically cradled in Alora's wings.

When I came to, I was found in Alora's room this time, resting in her hammock. My eyes were swollen immensely and my nose burned as I struggled to sit up. Looking down at my arms, they were both wrapped up again. The one I had plucked from, I could feel a special ointment between my skin and the cloth.

"You alright?" The Rito I didn't even notice by my side finally spoke up. Groggily looking at her, I shrugged.

Alora looked down to her feet, finding her words for a moment, "I'm sorry, (Y/n)." I continued to look at her, knowing if I said anything, I would just start crying once more.

"I had a horrible dream and felt I had to check on you. I should've knocked."

My brows furrowed. So she's not the only one with weird dreams recently, "I..." My voice was raspy, "I had a bad dream too."

I took a deep, shaky, breath, keeping my tears in check, "Now— Now that you know," I squirmed out of the cot, tripping as my feet touched the wooden floor boards, "I'll star— start p-packing." My voice wavered as I spoke, "I know you— you probably wa— want me out." I stifled a sob.

"Huh? What?!" Alora jumped up before jumping in front of me, "I didn't say I wanted you out."

"But— But—," I broke down crying again, my face in my hands. Goddess, I was such a wreck. I thought I would be so prepared for something like this. Clearly not.

"Nothing," Alora pulled me in for a hug, "and I mean nothing, will ever make me force you out. This is just a little bump in the road that's all."

"Really?" I looked up to her, blubbering. She nodded with a sweet smile as I tightened my arms around her.

A/n: Anyone have tips on writing dream sequences? This was my first one and I'm wondering if there's anything I can do to improve lmao
(I know I said it in the last one but I might make some adjustments to this chapter later on tee hee)

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