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Disclaimer: This story is going to be based on the manga with some changes in the plot.


There it was...the final step in to becoming a mama: Become pregnant with a child(s) due to artificial insemination.

Isabella looked at the twins she conceived in pity. She bent down and whispered to them "I'm sorry..." She went back before grandmother got suspicious and continued to hum her lullaby as her thoughts got filled with the twins and Leslie.


(10 years old)

It was a usual day in the Gracefield house, filled with smiles, laughter, and joy, as a raven haired boy stared at a certain girl. Her midnight black hair, her familiar purple eyes...they sparked his curiosity. He felt a certain connection between the black hair girl, not knowing why. He saw how Mama Isabella looked at her. How? Because it was the same way she looked at him. Pity. Her actions, her features, they reminded him of Mama Isabella, and maybe reminded him a little of himself. A thought came up in his mind. It was mind boggling to him, but it would explain her face, as well as her familiarity. He narrowed his eyes for a second as he spotted a birthmark on the right side of her neck. He touched his own neck feeling the familiar birthmark of his own...

"Ray!" said a certain Orange peel snapping Ray out of his trance.

He sighed, snapping out of his trance.

"What do you want Emma?"

"Mama wants to see you!" Emma said, as she walked or rather skipped away, to join the others to play.

Ray put down his book and went in to the house and knocked Isabella's office door.

"Is that you Ray?" said Isabella in the office.


"Well, come in then."

"What did you call me here for, Mama?" said Ray eyeing Isabella.

"Do you have anything to report? Any suspicions?"

Ray was silent for a moment as he thought 'Not yet'.


"Hm." said Isabella smiling wearily as she sorted out her heaps of papers and files.

Ray started to walk towards the door before stopping and saying "Mama?"

"Yes?" said Isabella still organizing her paperwork.

Ray hesitated for a moment before saying "What...what if there was someone in this orphanage who is related to me? Biologically."

Isabella flinched but if you didn't look closely, you could barely notice it.

"Why do you ask?"

Ray sighed and said "Kiyoko."

"What about her Ray?" sighed Isabella, she was tired of these half sentences with unprecedented meanings.

"She's my sister isn't she? My real sister."

Ray was firm with false confidence. He was going off a stupid hunch and all he wanted to do was hide in a corner and light himself on fire (ifykyk). He clenched his fists and Mama Isabella continued with paperwork whilst pursing her lips.

"How are you so sure Ray? It's almost as if you're lying to yourself. Are you sure you want an answer?"

Ray sighed once more before replying "Give me a straight answer."

Isabella sat down on her chair, before Ray continued speaking.

"Yes, she is your sister. Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't find out sooner. I thought my son was smarter than that. It's a shame that you two are in this together. But, the more the merrier I guess.", chuckled Isabella as if this was some joke for everyone to laugh at.

Ray's eyes went wide. He looked at her horrified. Usually, anyone would be happy to learn that they have a sibling in the orphanage they lived in, but this wasn't just some stupid orphanage. This was a farm. And as much as Ray didn't want to admit it with all the hatred that has been pent up in his stomach, he didn't want his sister who he barely talked (even though they're the same age) to go through the same end as those before her. He felt like throwing up.

Ray dashed out of the office, with his thoughts all over. He felt stupid, no he was dumb. His sister was right under his nose the whole time and he only just noticed. The words of Mama kept playing in his head again and again.

I'm surprised you didn't find out sooner.

It was almost as if it was haunting him. It was then that everyone was called to dinner where Mama made an announcement.

"Congratulations Hao. A couple has decided to adopt him!", said Mama Isabella with a satisfied smile as a pile of cheers went into the air. Ray was frightened. Not for him, but for Kiyoko. It was almost like she was telling him:

In the end, you both will receive the same fate as the others. High score or not."

It was in that day that Ray first talked to Kiyoko and the trio became a quartet.

From then on, he promised, he promised that he would keep Kiyoko safe.

(A/N): Srry if the chapter was short. Also the artwork above is NOT MINE. Credits: NekaRuu

Also, this maybe similar to another story on wattpad, and that's because I gained permission to rewrite it! So a big thank you to 

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