unexpected connections

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Days passed in a blur after the concert, and Y/N couldn't shake the memory of meeting Bakugou and Kirishima backstage. Despite their initial intoxication, the encounter had left a lasting impression on them.

It wasn't until the haze of alcohol faded and sobriety returned that Y/N realized they had exchanged numbers with the duo. Curiosity gnawed at them, prompting Y/N to send a hesitant text to the unfamiliar number, unsure if it would even reach its intended recipients.

To their surprise, a reply came swiftly, filled with warmth and enthusiasm. What began as a simple exchange of pleasantries soon blossomed into lively conversations, with Bakugou and Kirishima sharing stories from their lives on and off the stage.

Months flew by in a whirlwind of texts and calls, as Y/N found themselves growing closer to Bakugou and Kirishima with each passing day. They laughed together, confided in one another, and discovered common interests that deepened their bond beyond mere acquaintances.

Then one day, amidst the casual banter and playful teasing, Bakugou and Kirishima dropped a bombshell – they wanted to take Y/N out on a date. The proposition caught Y/N off guard, their heart racing with a mixture of excitement and nervous anticipation as the offer.

After much deliberation, Y/N agreed, their stomach fluttering with anticipation at the thought of spending more time with Bakugou and Kirishima outside the confines of a concert venue.

The day of the date arrived, and Y/N found themselves standing outside the butterfly garden, butterflies of a different kind fluttering in their stomach. Dressed in a cute black leather skirt, a red crop top, and a leather jacket, Y/N couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence as they waited for Bakugou and Kirishima to arrive.

When the duo finally appeared, Y/N's breath caught in their throat at the sight of them. Bakugou wore a casual ensemble, his signature scowl softened by a faint hint of a smile, while Kirishima beamed at Y/N, his red hair standing out against the vibrant greenery of the garden.

"Hey, you look amazing," Kirishima exclaimed, his grin widening as the duo approached Y/N.

Bakugou rolled his eyes at his friend's enthusiasm but couldn't hide the spark of admiration in his gaze. "Yeah, not bad," he muttered, his tone gruff but genuine.

Flushed with embarrassment, Y/N smiled shyly in response, the warmth of Bakugou and Kirishima's compliments sending a pleasant shiver down their spine.

As they ventured into the butterfly garden together, Y/N couldn't help but marvel at the beauty surrounding them. Butterflies of every color danced through the air, their delicate wings casting a kaleidoscope of shadows on the ground below.

Amidst the tranquil beauty of the garden, Bakugou and Kirishima's presence felt like a reassuring anchor, grounding Y/N amidst the fluttering chaos of their emotions.

As they wandered through the garden, exchanging stories and sharing laughter, Y/N couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over them. In that moment, surrounded by the gentle rustle of butterfly wings and the warmth of Bakugou and Kirishima's company, Y/N knew that this was only the beginning of an unforgettable journey filled with unexpected connections and newfound love.

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