Fuckin Crabman

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As you prepare to head out for a stroll, you opt for comfort, donning a cozy hoodie with one of the iconic ones you brother wear the oppai ones, jogging pants, and even slipping on a pair of flippers with socks for a touch of whimsy. Stepping outside the bustling city, you find yourself surrounded by unfamiliar sights and sounds, reminiscent of your past life in a distant, quieter town. Despite your initial apprehension, the unfamiliarity of exploring new places fills you with excitement, igniting a desire to one day visit Japan, a dream destination from your previous existence.

As you wander aimlessly, taking in the sights and sounds of the unfamiliar cityscape, a few minutes pass, and you begin to realize that you may have lost your way. Panic sets in as you grapple with your poor sense of direction, cursing yourself for your lack of navigation skills.(I think I am Zoro)

God, I'm so fucking stupid. Why didn't I pay more attention to where I was going, bitch just my life gets anymore get hard? You fuckin retarded monkey

You weigh the option of contacting your new brother for help, but pride and stubbornness hold you back tensely. Instead, you continue to wander, hoping to stumble upon familiar landmarks or signs that will lead you home.( If there's a familiar landmark that's the same in Japan, as your a fuckin otaku neh) As some people look at you weirdly when you took the wrong direction to the road and go back the previous, you sad worm you just got embarrassed (is this some kind of maze)

And you have a new scenery to land as it's less people appear. Lost in thought, you ponder your current situation, wondering about the timeline you find yourself in and how close it is to the canon events of your past life, you really need more information as you only found a glimpse on social media, as I am not active on the use of apps. Lost in contemplation, you meander until you stumble upon a children's playground or is it a park.

As you observe the child playing soccer by himself in the park, you can't help but notice his distinctive butt-chin, a feature that stands out starkly. You wonder momentarily about what might be wrong with the child's face, but before you can approach him to inquire about his parents, a sudden realization hits you like a ton of bricks.

Oh, shit balls, fuck,hell,@/$*0$!!!! I know this spot! This is where Saitama, my brother, meets that butt-chin kid and saves him from that monster, Crabman or something like that! This is where his whole hero journey began!

Your mind races as you try to recall the details of the episode, desperate for information about the characters and plot points ( Shinji chair pose). Lost in your thoughts, you fail to notice your brother finish talking the butt-chin kid and approaching until he's standing right in front of you, asking what you're doing in a park so far from home.

"(Y/N), what are you doing here? This park is pretty far from our apartment. Everything okay?

Caught off guard, you quickly try to compose yourself, realizing you've been lost in your own thoughts.

"Oh, uh niisan, just taking a walk... You know, exploring the neighborhood. Didn't realize how far I'd wandered. Heh."

You offer a sheepish grin, hoping your brother won't notice the panic that still lingers in your eyes from your sudden realization. Fuck

As Crabman swings his menacing pincer arm towards the unsuspecting child, my brother springs into action, swooping in just in the nick of time to save him. The impact of the monster's arm slamming into the ground creates a seismic shock, leaving me momentarily stunned by the force of the impact. Unsure of what to do, I rush to the child's side, torn between concern for his well-being and the urgency of the situation.

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