Indestructible Nokia

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As I gradually wake up, the unfamiliar surroundings of the hospital room slowly come into focus. I notice that I'm wearing different garments, a hospital garments and feel a dull ache in my head. Glancing to the side, I see my brother asleep on the chair beside me, his hand clutching mine tightly as if afraid I'll disappear, though he still wears his clothes ruined and just soaked blood everywhere.

As he stirs awake and looks at me, a mixture of relief and emotion washes over his face. Without hesitation, he pulls me into a tight hug, As I feel his tears dampening my shoulder. Feeling his warmth and hearing his steady heartbeat, I find comfort in his embrace.

After a moment, he releases me and gently points to my bandaged head. Curious, I reach up to touch the area, wincing as pain shoots through my skull. Slowly, I begin to unravel the bandages with the help of my brother and get me a small mirror beside the small cabinet, revealing a sick scar reminiscent of Harry Potter's lightning-shaped mark, but slightly larger. As of the peculiar is that it happened an hour ago but my injury closed and it healed quickly, tho as the doctor and nurses point the curious if I have power. But I think I know the conclusion is that I can heal quickly than the average people but in exchange of some fucked up weak strength body (the opposite of my brother in the future, except he didn't heal bruh he has indestructible skin boi)

The sight takes me aback, but I feel a sense of gratitude wash over me, knowing that despite the danger we faced, my brother was there to protect me. With a reassuring smile, I turn to him, silently conveying my appreciation for his unwavering support and love.

As my brother looks into my eyes, a moment of silent understanding passes between us, the weight of his words hanging in the air. Finally, he speaks, his voice filled with determination and resolve.

"I quit my job and I'm going to be a hero, and I hope you understand that this is my way," he declares, his gaze unwavering.

With the wind whispering softly in the background, signaling the approaching nightfall, I feel a sense of clarity wash over me. This is the moment where my brother's path is set, where he embraces his destiny to become a hero.

Smiling warmly, I respond, "Of course, niisan. I'll always support you in becoming a hero." And in that moment, I know that no matter what challenges lie ahead, we will face them together, as a team.

In the days following my injury I've gotten sick (fuck this weak body), my brother takes on the responsibility of caring for me, ensuring that I get the rest and support I need to recover. However, his intense training regimen takes a toll on him, pushing his limits as he strives to become stronger to end the enemies in one punch. I mean look at the training regime like 100 pushups, sit-ups, squats and following along the 10km run. I want to be with my brother's training but the heavy burden of pros and cons will be, the pros would be I can be stronger, and never weak!!! But the cons would be that there's a chance that I'll get bald (no!!!!!! I don't want that!!!) And so I won't join my brother's training regime.

To help lessen some of the burden and show my gratitude, I take on the role of preparing meals for him, crafting homemade lunchboxes filled with dishes and fresh fruits like bananas to fuel his workouts. And after his training sessions, I eagerly take on the task of doing laundry and house chores, ensuring that my brother won't burden or add the works for, and our home remains clean and comfortable for us both.

When it comes to grocery shopping, my brother suggests a unique solution - piggyback rides, last time when I tried to grocery by myself in the morning and carry three bags , I quickly got tired and got home almost late in the afternoon, and he found me on the way on the same path after his training and saw me as I look disheveled and now he scold me for almost half hour, as to why just use the phone to call him.(fuckin embarrassing I tell ya). And now to never repeat the accident again, he carries me on his back, mimicking the weight exercises from his training, I hold onto him tightly while he effortlessly handles the bags of groceries in his hands.

However, money becomes a concern as to pay the rent of the apartment and the maybe daily occurrences of monsters from the look of my brother's training clothes ruined as fuck, so we buy the extra first aids, bandages and medicine's and even clothes(that's where the iconic famous oppai) the lack of fashion that is, as my lack of formal education limits my job options. This doesn't hinder me as I don't need it,the past life gave me a war flashback of the crammings of work and deadlines as I almost in the passing grade(the miracle of it as how I did it).Despite this, I take on odd jobs and I need my permission to my brother of course he agrees but there's gonna be like some of agreement (overprotective much brother)like babysitting, cleaning, taking a dog walk, putting up some flyers on the poster of some missing persons or pets(didn't care what happened) or even dressing up as a mascot to earn extra income.

You make the decision to start exploring your local area and nearby neighbors, determined to avoid getting lost like before. Recognizing the importance of reliable navigation, you resolve to get a new phone specifically for its maps and GPS capabilities,just a cheap phone to find no need for more expensive, more on the practical use.

With determination fueling your actions , you continue to accept the odd jobs and expand it through the media even the peculiar ones on the next several months (You didn't even know that you accept the request of a people that may become hero later and you've got the attention)And the ones like putting a dojo flyer on the walls , babysitting a child though you didn't even met the client but they sent a location from where the home at you just babysat a little girl, that girl got a spunk as later we play dolls and chat about our siblings and such we had fun but it's a one time thing to babysit so I miss the girl already oh yeah the girl's name is Zenko(hmmm familiar don't ya think?) as her brother getting busy.With enough money , you set out to find a suitable replacement for your brother's old, cracked budget brand rip-off Nokia named Pokie (mf that's a cute name) phone(rest in peace my dude). After some research and comparison, you finally settle on a small smartphone that was released 10 yrs ago as it was the only budget it fits for the two phones to buy with enough advanced for navigation features. The other reason is that I can't handle to press the pads of flip phone.

As you hold the new phone in your hands, a sense of relief washes over you, knowing that you now have the tools to navigate confidently and safely. With the maps and GPS at your fingertips, you feel empowered to explore your surroundings without the fear of getting lost.Ehehehe

With a satisfied smile, you bid farewell to your brother's old phone, grateful for its years of service but ready to embrace the enhanced capabilities of your new device. Armed with your newfound navigation tool, you set out to embark on your local adventures, confident in your ability to navigate the world around you.<( ̄︶ ̄)>

AN:The pacing of the chapter will be slow till it reach to the canon or the episodes from the anime, and (y/n) will be interacting the other characters from doing the odd jobs so it's self-indulgent and. As English isn't my first language so pardon the wording may felt missing or spelt wrong. ಥ_ಥ

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