Bitch, is that me? (EDITED)

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The sound of her name, a gentle question hanging in the air, startled (Y/N) out of her stupor. A man, clad in a sharp black suit, sat on the floor beside her. His short black hair framed a worried face, etched with tiredness. Yet, a soft smile played on his lips, a stark contrast to the almost-blank, seemingly bottomless eyes.

"Hey, (Y/N)," the man said, his voice surprisingly gentle. "Your brother will be going to a job interview today. Do you mind staying alone in the apartment for a while? I'll buy your (favorite food) on the way back."

The word "brother" hit her like a bolt of lightning. Confusion clouded her mind. A brother? This stranger? But before she could voice her questions, a flicker of recognition sparked in her memory. The worry lines around his eyes, the gentle concern in his voice – it was him, her older brother. Relief washed over her, momentarily erasing the strangeness of the situation.

"(Y/N)?" her brother continued, his voice laced with concern as he saw her eyes flutter shut. "Are you alright? You look pale."

She winced as a throbbing pain flared in her head. "Uh... yeah, I'm okay, brother," she mumbled, the familiar term a bridge across the chasm of confusion. "Just a little stuffy in here, I guess, c-can I walk around a bit like going outside?." Gathering her strength, she began to push herself up on the futon, wincing again as her body protested. Her brother's worried expression deepened as he rushed to her side, his concern a stark contrast to the enigma of their current situation.

"(Y/N)," her brother started, his voice laced with concern, "I know you're itching to explore the city, but you just haven't been yourself lately. You've been weak, and frankly, this whole situation has me worried."

His words warmed a small corner of her heart. Despite the strange circumstances, his concern felt genuine, undeniably brotherly.

"I understand, brother," she replied, offering him a weak smile. "Trust me, I appreciate it. I just need a breath of fresh air, that's all. I won't push myself. Just a quick walk around the block, and I'll be back before you know it."

Her brother's gaze lingered on her face a moment longer, searching her eyes. A sigh escaped his lips, a sound of weary acceptance. "Alright," he conceded, a hint of worry still clinging to his features. "Just promise me you won't overdo it. And take your (flip)phone with you, in case you need anything."

He reached out, gently patting her head, a gesture both protective and comforting. The touch, the warmth in his eyes, solidified the strange truth – this man, this stranger in a familiar form, was indeed her brother. A wave of gratitude washed over her, laced with a healthy dose of curiosity. What exactly happened? And where did this bizarre situation lead? But for now, the comfort of a brother's concern was enough.

"Don't worry, I promise," she said, her voice stronger than she felt. "Thanks for looking out for me, brother."

Their eyes met, a dark well reflecting another. A hesitant smile played on her lips, and to her surprise, it was mirrored on his face. It was a strange sight, that smile on a face etched with weariness and an almost unsettling blankness in his eyes. Yet, it held a warmth that reached her heart.

He leaned forward, the gesture unexpected yet oddly comforting. A soft kiss landed on her forehead, a tender touch that sent a shiver down her spine. He straightened, ready to leave, turning back with a final smile. It was warm, almost genuine, despite the lingering shadows in his eyes.

"Take care while I'm out, okay? I'll be back soon." With a final nod, he disappeared out the door, leaving a puzzling silence in his wake.

As she sat there, a wave of gratitude washed over her, laced with a nagging curiosity. He may look like a stranger, but his actions screamed "protective older brother." A small, genuine smile tugged at her lips. Maybe the strangest part of this whole situation was that, despite everything, he was the best darn brother she never knew she had.

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