The woman smiled brightly at the pair, seeing how sweet they were.

"So... Could you tell me how you feel right now? Any urge, any fear, anything you would've done before the incident that you can't or don't want to do now?" Ha Kyun asked in a soft voice, talking in a soothing way which was something Felix indeed needed right then.

"Well... I... No, it's weird." Felix tried but shook his head and looked down at his hands, which Hyunjin took and caressed softly.

"Nothing is weird Felix, only if you make it weird. You can say it, don't worry." The woman said and nodded, giving a sign it was really okay to say whatever came up in his mind.

"I... I don't know, I feel like I need to wash my body over and over again... The urge to scratch everywhere to make the dirty hands go away..." Felix explained and cleared his throat in disgust, swallowing hard.

"Hey, are you alright? What's wrong baby?" Hyunjin asked Felix out of nowhere, making the psychologist frown a bit, knowing Felix didn't like to talk about it but not knowing what Hyunjin meant.

Felix just shook his head and again cleared his throat, clutching his small fists at his blanket.

"Baby tell me, what's wrong?" Hyunjin asked again and pulled the younger on his thigh, slowly and carefully so he could see Felix's face, which was turned away from miss Ha Kyun.

Felix again shook his head, trying to swallow but ending up coughing before swinging his hand against his mouth, closing it tightly.

Hyunjin fastly took a small bucket besides the bed and held it in front of Felix's mouth, only for Felix to shake his head again and let out a soft whimper.

"Baby it's okay, i'm here yeah? Jinnie's here." Hyunjin whispered and caressed some strands of hair out of the younger's face, tucking them behind his ear.

The younger shook his head, clear fear and disgust covering his face as he then emptied his stomach in the bucket, gasping for air and shaking his head when he got a moment of rest.

"No no no..." He whined out in a high voice, clutching his stomach with one hand as the other hemd the side of the bucket, again throwing up into it.

Hyunjin pressed a red button at the side of the bed and kept helping Felix, trying everything to calm him down.

[Emetophobia is real y'all]

Soon a doctor ran in as well as a nurse, seeing what was happening they checked the monitors, did something in the IV that was hanging at Felix's hand and tried to calm him down as well.

After a few minutes, when Felix had calmed down and didn't throw up again, he let out a shaky breath and long whine, wrapping his arms around his upper body.

"Ribs..." He let out in a whisper, closing his eyes as he leaned against Hyunjin's shoulder.

"Let me check you real quick yeah?" The doctor said and moved closer, only for Felix to shake his head and scoot backwards as far as he could.

"Then can the nurse do it? She's amazing and won't hurt you, neither will I." The doctor said and Felix looked up with fearful eyes at the nurse, who gave him a sweet smile and nodded, agreeing with the doctor.

Felix slightly nodded and moved forward a bit, Hyunjin positioning him right so the nurse could do her job.

She pressed two fingers down Felix's chest, looking for any reaction which she soon got the moment her fingers went lower, pressing lightly on the ribs that were broken.

"It's normal to feel this pain alright? It's because your body put pressure on your ribs and lungs, especially when you were so out of breath. Don't worry about it." The doctor said with a sweet smile and Felix nodded, again covering the hurting place with his small hands.

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