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Alan x Jeff from PitBabe

(Yes they'll be parents idgaf if yall bitches say Alan is old, and it'll be semi angst ig 😍)

''Aom, love can you get your father? It's breakfast time,'' Jeff said softly. The young 4-year-old girl he was talking to nodded and shuffled down the hallway. He sighed and instead began to make coffee getting lost in his thoughts, staring at nothing.

''Paa, wake wake!'' The girl said, tugging at the blanket with her small hands. Since Alan was a light sleeper he woke up after a few more tugs at the blanket and sat up. 

''What's up sweetie?'' He said and picked her up in his arms.

''Eat, eat!'' She answers sitting on his lap, and smiling.

''Mm, alright come on let's go help Daddy then,'' Alan answered and carried her out to the kitchen. ''Morning, darling,'' He said placing a kiss on his husband's cheek. 

Jeff hummed in answer pouring the coffee into two cups and smiled just a bit. Alan had noticed his off behavior and frowned, deciding to talk to him about it after they ate, as he began to cook.

Jeff had completely ignored his daughter trying to talk to him as he walked back to their bedroom, the girl instead began to cling to Alan.

''Pa, pa!'' Aom tried to get his attention.

''Yes, baby?''He answered trying not to burn the food but also trying to listen to his daughter.

''Daddy's eyes!'' She said. 

''Hmm? What about daddy's eyes?" He asked.

''Sparkle sparkle eyes!" Aom tugged at his father's pants. Alan froze and immediately turned off the stove, picked up his daughter, grabbed her plushie, and placed her on the couch. He then grabbed a cookie, splitting it in half, and gave it to the girl who was even happier to have it.

''Watch TV or play and eat this for now, me and your daddy will be in our room, okay?" Alan said and ruffled her hair. He then walked to their bedroom where the door was closed so he knocked softly, not wanting to invade Jeff's space. He didn't get an answer and sighed softly, opening the door he walked in, the room was dark.

''Jeff love?"He said softly and saw the silhouette of Jeff lying on the bed. He then sat on the side of the bed and stroked his hair, trying to make him answer. It instead made Jeff have tears well up in his eyes, but he didn't say anything. Alan then got up and walked over to where Jeff was facing, kneeling and frowning. 

''What...'' The younger only managed to say.

''Move over,'' He said. Jeff then rolled over and Alan got in the bed sitting against the headboard, looking over at the other.

''What's wrong?''

Jeff shook his head, but it was no use because tears began to stream uncontrollably down his face. Alan sighed and brought his husband into his arms, trying to calm him down, although the other couldn't stop crying. He rubbed his back and let him cry all he needed if it at least made him have some kind of relief. After 10 minutes of uncontrollably crying, Jeff semi-calmed down, but his eyes were still glassy, Alan made him sit up.

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