✦ RAYNE.bunny in the rain

Start from the beginning

"you make it sound like i did a bad thing." you lightly nudged him.

'neglecting your duties is a bad thing...' rayne stared at you, sighing seconds later.

"rayne, look." you tugged at his coat, pointing to a jeweller that wasn't getting much attention. the gems on display were quite the sight, so was it the price that drove away customers?

as the two of you approached the booth, rayne grew more intrigued by the jewellery on display. it looked mighty high-quality, like what a noble would possess. to match it's quality, the prices were also up. perhaps that was the problem. the booth should be in a high-end jewellery store, not in the middle of the streets amongst a sea of commoners.

you took notice of a pair of earrings. pitch black in color, and noticeable bunny ears in shaped. a genius idea popped up in your mind as you let out a snicker, picking out the earrings.

"what are you snickering ab─" rayne's eyes fell on the earrings you were holding. and your face clearly read that they were for him.

him, a divine visionary. him, the sword cane. testing out bunny shaped earrings. in the middle of the streets.

but they were bunny shaped. it wouldn't hurt, right?

he sighed, reaching to undo the peircings he had on currently.

"when we're back at the dorms, i hope you know that you won't be getting away with this." he stated, menacingly, and it kind of spooked you. he seriously could be threatening at times, couldn't he?

"understood.." you gulped, a nervous smile on your face.

it was just best to hope that he won't leave
you with sore legs again.

from forcing you to sit through your load of unfinished paperworks for hours, that is. what else?

rayne had placed in the new piercing. and honestly, he was quite enjoying the bunny silhouette.

a glimmer in the corner of his eye caught his attention. a (colour)-silver necklace lined with what seemed like diamonds that tied together a ring, sure to cost a fortune if they were real diamonds. but he was curious. curious on how it would look on you.

he picked up the delicate necklace, admiring its reflective jewels. diamonds that shine as brightly as you did, diamonds, a rarity like you were.

"my, my, missy! quite the gem you've picked out... for your boyfriend over there, is it?" the salesperson approached you, pointing at rayne who was checking out the pricey necklace.

she wore a monocle, dressed in a fashionable magenta dress and decorated with gold and silver from head to toe.

"wh- boyfriend? we're n─"

"i heard sales for couples are still hot this season." she leaned in to whisper to you. your eyes lit up at the word 'sales'.

"how much are we talking?" you whispered back, setting down the bracelet you had in hand.

"oh, quite the range, darling. i'll give you 65% if you two act like a couple so i can persuade my son into finally getting a girlfriend." she offered one hell of a generous discount.

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