Chapter 26: What is Love

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Continuing our flashback.

Three months later
Joshua and Kayla found themselves wrapped up in the warmth of their budding romance. The winter chill outside strong.
On this particular day they sat close exchanging laughter and sweet glances over steaming cups of coffee.

Michael their friend joined them and they discussed dreams of attending Crestwood College together.

Joshua with a smile
"You know someday I want to play baseball at Crestwood College I want to be a star and prove my dad wrong and be able to support a family off it."

Kayla grinning
"Joshua you've got the talent and the passion you'll make it happen I believe in you."

Michael agreed chimming in
"You're the best player on the team you'll definitely make it, besides we're all destined to go to Crestwood U together it's going to happen."

As they left the coffee shop the February air greeted them with a cold embrace.
Kayla shivering
"It's so cold out here!"

Joshua offering his jacket
"Here take this. It'll keep you warm I don't need it as much as you do."
She took the jacket hugging onto his arm.

They piled into Michael's newly acquired car driving around town sharing stories and admiring the landmarks around Crestwood.

Michael spoke while Driving
"So we are really all going to Crestwood U huh? We're going to rock it together."

Joshua Grinning
"Absolutely and imagine the games I'll play Kayla and you cheering for me in the stands Kayla getting her nursing degree and all our dreams coming to life."

The following day was Valentine's Day.
Joshua woke up with a bag of carefully chosen gifts for Kayla. Her favorite box of chocolates, a cuddly stuffed sea turtle, and a love letter he had penned himself. expressing the depth of his feelings Unsure if it was too early for such sentiments he debated but decided to let his heart speak.

Afternoon came as Michael came to pick up Joshua so he wouldn't have to ask for a ride from his dad.

Michael dropped Joshua off at Kayla's mom's house where she was at.

Joshua knocking on the door of the house
Kayla ran to the door opening it to Joshua.

"Happy Valentine's Day! I got you a little something"Joshua said

Kayla excitedly
"Aww, you really didn't have to!"

Joshua telling her with a smile
"Open it you'll love it I hope."

Kayla carefully unwraps the gifts her eyes lighting up with joy and smiling
"Finta Chocolates! You remember they're my favorite."

Joshua grinning
"Of course and there's more."

*He hands her the cuddly sea turtle and the love letter with flowers.*

Kayla  hugging the sea turtle
"This is adorable! And a love letter? You're really pulling out all the stops aren't you?"

Joshua blushing
"Well, I wanted to express how much you mean to me and I remember last month when we went to the aquarium you said you wanted a turtle."

Kayla laughed
"That is true I love him."

Joshua laughing
"But not more than me right?"

Kayla teasingly
"I don't know Mr turtle has a pretty dreamy personality to him."

Later that day as they sat in Kayla's mom's living room watching movies together and sharing some dinner.
Joshua spoke
"I'm glad we're spending Valentine's Day together like this It's been an amazing few months hasn't it?"

Kayla nodding "It really has I'm grateful for every moment with you and look forward to being with you for the rest of my life."

As Valentine's Day comes to a close, Joshua and Kayla share a quiet moment on the porch as Joshua awaited to be picked up by Michael.*

Joshua looking at Kayla.
"Kayla these past few months have been incredible I feel lucky to have you in my life making everything amazing."

Kayla spoke.
I feel the same way Joshua, and I have a gift for you too before you go."

Joshua shocked
"You didn't have to!"

Kayla's mom wanted Kayla a box from inside the house and Kayla handed it to Joshua, go ahead and open it." She said with a smile.

As he opens it he discovers a shining metal baseball bat inside.

Joshua reading the inscription
"Never forget your dreams and the love you have with you every time you use this bat."

Joshua is deeply moved by the thoughtful gift and he looks at Kayla with gratitude.
"This is amazing Kayla i'll cherish it forever it means so much to me."

Kayla smiles as they share a heartfelt hug about to kiss.

*As they stand on the porch deep in their emotions kissing each other, Michael pulls up in his car.*

Michael yelling
"Hey lovebirds get in the car so I can drop you back home before the drunk gets any more mad than he is!"

Joshua with a wry smile bids Kayla a farewell for the night.
"I'll see you tomorrow at school thanks for everything Kayla."

They share a final hug and a kiss again before Joshua hops into Michael's car.

As the two drive away into the night Joshua reflects on the day's events holding onto the warmth of Kayla's love and the promising future they're building together.

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