The Harvest Moon Festival

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"I'm good Pa. Thanks for lettin’ us stay here for the harvest jamboree." She smiled

Her mother said "it's no trouble. We know you aren't making as much anymore since y'all went 'freelance'."

"Freelance pays fine, Ma! We're doing fine! It's fine." She said then walks to the van

She went over to Moxie who was struggling to pull their luggage

"anyway y'all remember my husband, Moxie" Millie then shoves Moxie to her parents, looking nervous

He looked up and saw the disapproval look on their faces "hmph"

He nervously said "greetings, Lyn. Joe. How have you been now with all the flaming twisters and stuff around here?" He held out a hand

"We lost our old farmhand to one of them terrors last week." Joe said, looking upset

He laughed nervously "oh oh crumbs m-my bad. I am so sorry, I didn't mean to open that wound, sir."

"Hey watch it I'm the 'sir' here, bucko" Blitz yelled out

"oh yeah, y'all haven't met my boss blitz and his hellhound" Millie introduced

"I'm not just his hellhound" Loona said, with hee hands on her hips

Pulling her into a side hug, he said "yeah she's my daughter"

"Only on paper. Y'all don't deserve to know my name" Loona said bored and texted on her phone.

Avarice ran out of the van and went over the fences “No way Hogs! So cute” she squealed

Greedo was getting the rest of the suitcases and yelled out “Hey Mills, Where do I take these?"

Millie yelled back “Just leave them at the front of the door, we'll take care of it

He gave her an ok sign before taking the cases at ease to the door. His appearance and Avarice’’s shocked Millie's parents. Lyn said as she was still in shock “Millie, are they?

Noticed by their shocked expressions Millie turned to her parents and explained “oh yeah, This is Avarice and that's Greedo. Princess and Prince of Greed. They are also my co-workers.”

Greedo came.back and wave “Hey, names Greedo, pleasure and the girl that wants to hug one of your hogs is my twin sister, Ava” he said and since they are Millies parents, he gotta show some respect

“Holy shit, Prince Greedo” Joe said as he and Lyn bowed at him “didn't know we had two royals comin’ here.”

Greedo waved his hands around and said “no need for that formality bullshit. Just call me Gree. I'm just your daughter's coworker and Ava is her friend.”

“Alright then Gree.” How stood up and shook his hand “then you call me Joe, you're majesty”

Lyn reaches over to pull him down and pinch his cheek “oh aren't you so handsome. You know in case Millie breaks up with her weak husband, you got my blessin' She winked at him as if it was a plan.

“Ma!” Millie yelled

"What? He is better than him and more tall and handsome" Lin points at Moxie, who looked offended. She then pinches Greedo's cheek, making him groan “or do you prefer the princess, I can tell she knows how to wrestle a hog.”

Greedo pulled away and held his bruised cheek "That nice of you Miss, but I think Millie prefers Moxie than us royals"

"Oh dear call me Lyn, and who knows" she shrugs "it can happen" she joked, she winked again, making Millie groan “Ma”

Twins of Mammon (Helluva boss x Twin ocs)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora