part 1

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I walk down a damp, dank, lonely path, no sound, just lights flickering. I feel like someone is following me, I turn around, and there is no one there. I walked down to check there was no one around. Maybe I was paranoid. I told myself I walked and stopped just to make sure. I plug in my headphones and run to the hideout near the wall. I see him walking around trying to find me. Suddenly, he looks in my direction, looking straight at me he has found me. I feel a hand on my back just as I was about to scream. The person puts their hand over my mouth, and they decide it is a good idea to pull me out of the hideout. The man sees us, and he comes closer. I start to panic. The person grabs my hand, and we make a run for it he jumps the wall, leaving me behind. I don’t know what to do as he is getting close, I climb and jump right into the person’s arms turns out it’s a guy, anyway we run as fast as we can he then pulls me through a ditch with thorns, ouch I was about to cry out he shakes his head signalling for me not to say anything, there’s a door we go through. He locks the door. I realise we are in a garden surrounded by beautiful flowers rose’s just about to bloom dandelions and buttercups lighting the surroundings with their yellow color. Trees such as palm trees, oak trees and evergreens the evergreen at the entrance the palm and the most beautiful of all the oak tree in the middle it’s height is remarkable it sparkles in the nights sky there is little oak buds forming and green leaves are incredible behind it are magnolias lining the exit there incredible colour and scent is refreshing. For some reason, this all goes together, and it's stunning. I turn around, and who are you I ask he takes his hood down and masks off. I see his features black hair that covers his brown eyes, his clear skin, his tall, slender body. I recognize him for some reason. Then it strikes me he is the youngest child of the King, you’re you’re the prince I stutter he doesn’t even try to deny it your majesty I say guilt stricken that he had to save me. I am sorry I apologize, he was after me not you he says gruffly and walks away hey wait don’t be rude wait up where are we going he turns around so close to me I can feel his breath on my face he takes a step closer to me I try to move but I trip and fall backwards on a bag of soil running my clothes you I scream, apologize right now stop smiling this isn’t funny, now he is laughing these are my best clothes I am not like you where I can buy anything I have to work hard and help my mom pay taxes unlike you, he stops smiling and laughing now, was it something I said I don’t know. As I try to stand up I slip he grabs my had to help me from falling again except I drag him down with me and he goes over my head knocking a bucket of water onto my face it seeps into the soil hey I laugh, now he is soaking wet and my purple dress and shoes are now brown he laughs again there is mud on your face, and now mud on is on your face I say throwing mud straight at him he doges but not soon enough there is now a big slab of mud stuck to the side of his face I try not to laugh but it’s so funny that I cannot help myself my braids are brown his hair is brown from the mud we laugh while throwing mud at each other. Hours have passed what time is it I ask  he tries to look at his watch but it’s all brown my watch is muddy so I don’t know, I should go anyway I say I grab the oak tree to help myself stand up and walk to the door wait he says I look back he comes toward me we have to change first look at ourselves, fine but where are going to get clothes? Come to the palace, no no way absolutely not I say trying to reason with him I know a secret way in all you got to do is trust me ok, no I say not a chance I don’t even remember your name. My name is Atlas he says proudly what’s yours, Ilya I say, that’s a nice name, anyway back to the plan so how are you going to get me into the palace. So you agree now I knew you would come around okay smarty pants so what’s your big plan, I will tell you when we get there, how long will it be till we get there, five minutes we are pretty close we will be climbing a lot of walls you ok with that considering you wearing a dress, I was fine last time. We walk together we are here all I see is a wall I say looking at him while questioning the decision I just made, I am going over first you jump I will catch this is how it will work, woah no way I can climb over walls ok suit yourself he walks past me toward the wall then he is gone. Okay, I got this. I am not afraid of heights. Oh dam, it, just jump it will be fine. Just jump. You got this. I stand back and run and jump. My dress gets caught in the crack of the wall and I look down he is standing right below me I close my eyes and try not to scream as the dress rips and I fall heading at full speed right into his chest .I land on top of him, totally winding us both. He pushes me off and proceeds to get up, leaving me on the ground. I stand up and look down at my dress as I feel it slipping of me oh god why does it happen to me the dress has been slit at the back I try my best to keep it up why is he looking at me and not helping me, a little help here prince oh right here, he hands his jacket to me what’s this going to do for me I need you to hold the dress at the back, oh ok he holds it as I try to pin it together with my hair clip and hair tie all done lets go. I take off my shoes as they are hurting my feet. I try to walk, but I cry out in agony it turns out I have a cut on my leg, and my ankle is sprained. Can I hold onto you I have a cut on my right leg  I don’t tell him about my sprain on my left leg as it is not visible and there is no need I can walk just fine, sure no problem, I lean on him it takes the pressure of the left leg as I walk with my right. Why are you hopping? I am not hoping it's just my leg is sore. Can we stop here? no, we have to keep going. We are almost there. climb through that window, and we are done get changed, and I can walk you home again, ok? A window, oh, this is going to be fun. I think to myself, here we are. I look up holy crap we have to climb up a wall? Nope I have a ladder you go in front of me and when you reach the ledge open the window and climb in, you go first it would make more sense then you could pull me up regarding my leg , ok up to you. We start climbing my leg and ankle are really hurting I can feel the burn as I climb the ladder as I reach the fifth step, I see him at the window hurry up will you I don’t want to be caught, I climb as fast as I can and as I reach the ledge he pulls me through the window. Welcome to my room now. It would be quite ok if my father came in to go into the closet in there. You will find a painting, push the painting, and hide behind it, I will come when he leaves. Here are some clothes thanks I go to the bathroom to change and wash up I put the dress on my clean body and realise it is identical to the one I was just wearing perfect thank you Atlas I whisper. I hobble out and sit down on one of the posh seats I inspect my leg and ankle you ok he asks ya my legs are a bit sore, oh yes come here and turn around, why what are you doing? Stitching you up I have a first aid kit so sit still he puts the alcohol wipe to wipe my leg I try not to scream so I bite my fist instead a couple of minutes of pain pass all done you can stand now it feels better just sore now not burning I stand on my left leg to shake my other leg I immediately stop and hop with my right to the seat aah that hurt what happened now another cut, no I think I sprained my ankle when I fell it was sore the whole time we were walking. Come here he says I cant exactly walk he comes towards me and picks me up and drops me on his bed ow that hurt could you be more gentle and stop dropping me like I am a bag of potatoes. stay here no Atlas wait up I try to get up but I got up to fast and feel myself swaying I hear him calling my name but he is so far away  I feel myself fall to the ground and then everything is black. I wake up a couple of minutes later and I wonder where I am then I remember, I try to get up I fall back down again except this time it is soft I suddenly realise I am lying down in a bed. I look around and realise I am not in Atlas’s room anymore, but in a bigger room, I feel my head hurting as I am looking around. Atlas is looking at me now, where am I  your in another part of the palace my father came in just as you were falling to the ground he told me to carry you to one of the guest bedrooms and he brought the doctor you have been asleep for three days, no that cant be oh god I have to go I get up and try to leave he stands in front of me your not well, I duck underneath his arms I am to, see my ankle is all good, he corners me, the doctor examined your ankle when you were asleep it is not better you have to stay for one more day No you don’t get it my mom must be worried and I have to help her with money so I have to go. He drags me to the walk-in closet and closes the door he pushes the painting in and drags me down the steps. ssh don’t say anything he whispers, why? My eldest brother is dangerous he is home again, and this means trouble. We stay down here in the dark room, so I try to move he puts his hands around my waist and pulls me close he listens attentively to make sure he is gone. Is this your other room because it has a painting that opens like a door? yes, this is my other room he is still holding me close. Um, your hand is on my waist, and it hurts, oh right sorry I didn’t mean to hurt you. What age are you, I ask him? I am 17 and you 17 as well, so you’re a prince, and I am a commoner. How cute. What cute, come on Ilya this isn’t a story alright, alright, I was just teasing you so what is this place come I will show you. It has several rooms this one is my hobby room where I play music and do all that the one next to that is a chill out room where I bring my friends and we talk the third room is another bedroom except it is smaller it has a tv, laptop and tablet in the drawers and another phone. Why do you need two phones? Well, I have six older siblings. I thought there were only five children of the king? Well there is actually six five boys and one girl you see my sister died when I was eleven she was five years older than me she was the second youngest, oh I am so sorry for your loss, well that phone was hers and I know the password considering we were pretty close I haven’t shown it to anyone anyway do you want to hang out in the chill out room? Ya sure. So what’s it like being a prince? Boring has its up and downs, Atlas Yes Ilya I have a good idea why don’t you meet me in the greenhouse everyday to make your life less boring we could go places like the park the beach swimming pools all of those fun stuff? They would recognize me though, they won’t Atlas I can guarantee, I can’t Ilya I have certain duties to attended to, surely you don’t have them every day. Ok fine but as long as they don’t recognize me don’t worry, I have the perfect disguise all you got to do is mess up your hair then you have to wear casual clothing like jumpers and converse. Gotta go see you tomorrow I walk up the stairs limping he runs up the stairs, and picks me up hey you gotta stop doing that I am fine stop laughing he puts me down oh and about your mom she is here go out to the bedroom I try to run out hey take it easy ok hold on to me I hold his arm mom I scream and wrap my arms around hugging her tight I missed the sweet smell of her cheap perfume and the look on her face when she saw me she pushes me of her what I tell you bout wondering of like that young woman your going to get yourself killed mom I am fine, she curtseys to everyone Atlas comes close to her no need to do that he says, thank you Atlas I mouth he nods lets go home mom alright baby girl lets go,  wait Ilya here are some clothes your in you PJ’s thank you Atlas I will be out in a minute I change and look at myself in the mirror what is my boyfriend going to think I have been missing from school for three days he will think I am cheating again I lift up the sleeve of the PJ’s there is the bruise he gave me last time he thought I was cheating when I didn’t make it on time to school, what is he going to do to me tomorrow I am interrupted from my thoughts when Atlas says Ilya are you ok?  Yep, just getting changed I open the door he is standing right in front of me I pull him in Atlas, how about I meet you after my school instead ok how about half three would that be good? Ya sure that’s perfect for me actually Ok good see you tomorrow. I hug him thanks um no problem. I got to go see you then. I walk out of the bathroom, let's go, mom, let me walk you to the door. Ilya, ok Atlas. It was a very long and quiet walk down to the door of the palace. I was so involved with my thoughts about Adrien and what he might do he is so unpredictable. Are you ok Ilya it takes me a while to realise he was talking to me as I was holding on to his arm because of my ankle and didn’t realise I was squeezing his arm oh ya I am ok sorry I was thinking about something I must do tomorrow here are some crutches for your leg if you are worried about that thank you that was the thing I was worrying about how to pay for them no need to worry now Ilya thank you very much. When I get home, I change into my comfy clothes of sweatpants and loose t-shirts and my XL jumper. I go to bed worrying about tomorrow and Adrien I sleep restlessly that night I had nightmares I woke up sweating I got out of bed and went for a shower then I got ready for school woke mom up for work see you later I say, bye chicken. I walk to school with my sprained ankle as I don’t want to bring the crutches. I go to my locker to get my things, and he comes up shit I say to myself. Hi Adrien I say with a smile on his face except he is not smiling his face is like thunder he grabs my wrist so hard we go to the wheelchair toilet and locks the door that’s when he asks the question I was dreading did you bring your makeup? Ya, why? stupid question I think to myself you know what’s coming next he punches me in the eye ow I say he pins me against the wall and takes my hand and punches me until the bruise is black and blue as he leaves he says oh and clean yourself up we wouldn’t want anyone to know would we now alright see you later. I take out the make up case out of my bag and apply it to cover the bruise on my eye it stings, I try not to cry as it will ruin the make-up then I apply a small bit on the bruise I put it back in my bag an look at my eye to make sure it is covered however my eye is a bit swollen I can make an excuse for that. I stay there for a while, shaking and trying not to cry, I look at the time, and then I get up and go to my first class. First class Biology partner Adrien next class maths at least I will get a break from all the toxic behavior and the false pretenses he will be in my next class. School was going at a snails pace today finally twenty past three I went to my locker as fast as I can careful not to look to excited I put my homework books in my bag I could feel him behind me I turn around hey Adrian hey Ilya I hug him I will see you tomorrow ya of course. I walk home change out of my uniform take off some of my make up to apply it lighter I look at the time shit I am late I run to  the ditch the thorns scratch my skin I open the door and he is standing by the oak tree, sorry Atlas it’s ok I put my jumper hood on my head to hide my eye I let down my braids to help with that. So, what are we going to do today? he turns around this casual enough he asks woah that’s causal. Well done, I clap, so what are doing? Is it ok if we stay here today if that’s ok? No problem, Ilya. Take your hood down Ilya nah I am cold I reply sure? Yep. So how was school? Boring the usual subjects such as biology maths French history all that you know so how was your day? Boring palace duties then school with my posh and boring friends then it’s my other school where we learn etiquette so boring, I think I will prefer your life. I laugh you wouldn’t prefer my life my hood falls down I try to put it up but he see’s it he brushes my braids from my eye what happened Ilya? Oh nothing just some kids playing with a ball and it hit me in the eye he touches my arm the location of the bruise I try not to wince, it’s warm in here isn’t it I say as I push his hand of my arm. Are there any plants to put in plant pots? Oh yes here come look the orchid is blooming did you know that they are a delicate flower known for their patterns and vibrant colours he looks back at me wow I did not know you were a plant genius, it’s my hobby so now that I’ve told you mine what’s yours? I don’t know singing maybe, ok sing for me so Ilya I want to see this voice of yours for myself wait let me be comfortable first, alright your majesty what would you like first tea or scones we both laugh ok ok get back to singing Ilya I take three deep breaths to stop my heart racing with fear alright here I go. I start singing dandelion’s probably not ideal anyway. I close my eyes. The song finishes and I open my eyes he looks at me with astonishment you can really sing I have a request chandelier by Sia, alright your highness I close my eyes and sing my favourite song totally involved in the song that I forgot where I was. I open my eyes and he looks at me that’s my favourite song I say, mine to Atlas tries in a singing voice oh stop you can’t sing it’s like nails scraping on a black board Atlas aah please stop my ears are bleeding. He comes closer I like you Ilya the atmosphere is suddenly tense he comes over to me he looks down at me his cheeks bright red I look up he brushes my hair out of my face I put my hand on his arm I have a boyfriend but if you are ok with it can we do this because I like you to Atlas. Can’t you break up with him, Ilya? I turn away he wouldn’t like that I say, why? He would hit me again. That bruise on your eye was not a soccer ball was it I shook my head and your arm. He pulled up my sleeve, and he turned around what’s wrong? I am sorry it's because of me isn’t it? No, he does it every day. I pull up my sleeve. Was this today as well? I nod ok, so answer my question. Will you be ok with it if we have secret meetings and dates? Yes, Ilya I will be ok with that but we can’t come here every day it will become boring over time. So, do you have a pool, Atlas? As a matter of fact, we do, can we go there since your family knows me? I’d have to ask my father I can’t tell my father about us ok he would be mad, that’s fine just as long as we spend time together. The next day, I meet him here with my swim bag he holds my hand, and we walk through the garden and out the door. We arrive, and he releases my hand. Let’s go in Ilya alright we go in the back entrance the sun is shining today and the air is moist. I hate this weather. We go to change I change into my purple swimming togs, I am embarrassed of my body as I am not slim like they other girls my large thighs and tummy are not something to be proud of, I change into my black togs instead at least they would slim me down a bit I slide my feet into my flip flops and bring my towel with m. Atlas is already in the pool. I slide in at the side. This swimming pool is large and perfect for proper swimming. I am doing length’s want to join, sure see you at the end he says I start swimming and pass him out and reach they end he is far behind me I swim to back to him, you, alright we both tread water lets swim back I start swimming slowly and I reach the end and wait for him can you dive? He asks No and please don’t make me I am afraid heights, ok watch me he dives in and travels far he swims towards me and grabs my waist and drag’s me to the deep end, we are underneath water he takes of my swim hat he kisses me for a long time we stay down there. I scramble for air he grabs the edge, but I miss it he grabs my hand and pulls me up I try to climb up he pushes me up to help I sit at the edge with him holding the side of the swimming pool. You shouldn’t have done that. I look away, and he puts his hand on mine. I am sorry I turn to face him. We are in the palace, no kissing, hugging, or holding hands, alright? Right sorry I forgot I climb up and go to face the pool and I try to dive I splash him ok go again I dive still no improvement I dive again and again this time I actually do it yes I did it I do a little happy swim well done Ilya nice dive I swim towards him and get out of the pool I am going to get changed you got to show me the palace alright see you in a couple minutes. I go to the bathroom and get out of my togs, my tummy a bit sore I look down, the massive bruise is still there he gave me that today. I put on my jumper and shorts. I walk out to meet him. Ok, grand tour now where do we start? The gardens we walk together holding hands I try to release his hand I whisper your hurting me he drops my hand and stands in front of me and inspects my hand there is a line of red around my wrist I am sorry. He gives me a piggyback; we bump into his brother well isn’t this nice? I tap Atlas to put me down. Your majesty, I bow he comes toward me I can feel my heart beating can I talk with you? he asks me yes, your highness, don’t touch her Atlas whispers threateningly. We walk around the garden so your Atlas’s friend you two seem closer than friends I feel my body heat up I won’t tell if you do something for me, so Ilya are going to risk your life for a prince or help me to keep it? What do you want me to do? All you have to do is meet me by the river every night and tell me everything about Atlas where he goes what he says what he does and just to make sure you don’t lie I will have one of my most loyal servants to follow you, if you want me to do all of this I have one request, what is it? I want you and Atlas to become closer if I do this? Ha, you are naïve god. I can't wait to get rid of him. I walk back to Atlas. What did he say? Are you alright? Ya I am fine he’s alright just scheming, anyway I have to go to work see you later oh one more thing, meet me in the garden at quarter past ten see you then I walk away he grabs my arm I push it off he stops me. Move Atlas, No Ilya. I push past him and walk away. I look over my shoulder. Remember the garden at quarter past ten, and he nods with a confused look on his face. I run all the way home thinking about what the prince said to me about Atlas ‘’get rid of him’’ what does he mean? I ponder to myself, wondering what he is going to do. It is ten to ten and I run to our garden, he is there waiting for me looking at the oak tree, he turns around as I am locking the door, he is wearing black jeans and a hoody, that’s strange for him. I look at what I am wearing, purple shoes, white dress, that goes just above the knee and a white coat I wore these clothes because I have to meet his older brother after this so I must look presentable. He comes close and kisses me, he puts his hand on my back, I feel so stupid I just stand there like an idiot. He pulls away and looks at me. He towers over me, his brown eyes searching my face for a clue as to why we are meeting up here. Atlas we have to meet at night instead of daytime, Ilya. What happened? Why did this all of sudden? I have to go home now. I came here to tell you this, I have to go my mom will be worried. I have a question what did my brother say? I am turned around, and I feel the blood rush to my face. I take a few breaths to calm myself and turn around. He told me that I must watch myself in his presence that’s all now I have to go, see you at the same time tomorrow. I run to the river it takes me ten minutes I look at my watch at least I am early I walk to the waters edge and see him bathing in his clothes white t-shirt and black baggy pants. He doesn’t see me. I walk behind the rock and sit there waiting he spots me. I feel a sense of shame for looking at him. I put my bag down on the ledge and jumped in, keeping my head underwater to stop myself from embarrassing myself even more. I feel arms pulling me up as I keep my eyes closed, I feel weak. I am so embarrassed. He puts me down on the stones near the rocks. You really are strange aren’t you Ilya my name is Mateo you probably know my name any way, Ha you sure have a big ego oh sorry prince please excuse my manners I say what I think most of the time. Why did you do that? Well, I felt guilty for watching you, and then you spotted me, and I just jumped out of embarrassment. I can’t figure you out, I thought you would be like the other girls, but you're different. So, what did you want to talk to me about? Well Ilya, you have to keep my brother distracted because he likes to meddle in everything, and I have some business to attend to. But I told him we couldn’t meet anymore. You did what he roars he comes so close to me that I cower with fear and start to shake it reminds me of what Adrien does to me. Are you alright, Ilya? I don’t hear him. All I see  I feel is Adrien standing behind me, ready to hit me. Ilya, hello? I snap out of it, yes, prince? Are you cold? Look here and have my jumper. Sorry, it just reminded me of my boyfriend, my other boyfriend, shit sorry I shouldn’t have told you that. What does he do? I can’t say especially to you. Of course my white dress is seen through and I jumped in the water, so all my bruises are visible, please don’t notice I say to myself. You have to meet my brother in the garden tomorrow or I will meet you there and you can come with me to the palace? Just tell your brother to meet me there at half past three, ok? As I climb up the rock, he sees the bruises and pulls me backward down into the water he holds my waist. We resurface spluttering for air. What happened to your arms? and you have to answer it’s a command from the prince. Um, a ball hit me there. What the hell Ilya do you seriously think he will believe that. Stop lying and tell me the truth. Alright, I will tell you my boyfriend Adrien does this every day happy now I say crossly. I get up to leave he comes close and hugs me. Is this a nightmare, or is he actually hugging me, the cold-hearted prince, Mateo? He lets go and looks down at me he is tall. I realise this must run in the family. His black hair and brown, black eyes look exactly like his brothers. Let me walk you home it’s late I insist. We are almost to my house. That’s when I saw him with his blonde hair and red pants and a white jumper. What’s he doing here? I hide behind the wall just by my house, dragging Mateo with me, duck, and don’t talk. Is that him? I nod. He is walking, I hear his familiar footsteps approaching, he takes out his phone and I rings me, my phone is not on silent it rings full blast in my bag. He turn’s and looks straight at me, his face red, and he approaches me. I stand up quickly. What are you doing here? I ask. Ilya, he roars, you are wet, and your bruises are visible. I told you to keep them a secret didn’t I. oh, right, sorry. He punches me in the face, making my nose bleed. That’s when Mateo stands up, shit I say to myself, "This is gonna be fun." Who the hell are you? Your cheating Ilya, I always knew you would do something like that. He’s- he punches me again, and this time, my stomach, I double over in pain. Mateo stands in front of me. I am not her boyfriend, but I am much better than you, so go, before I get my people to help me with taking out the trash such as you. He goes to punch Mateo, but he is quick and catches his fist, and twists it. How do you like the pain? Nice isn’t it? Next time you hurt Ilya, I will look for you, so stay the hell away from her, "he whispers threateningly while smirking. Aaaah, that hurts, alright I will, ok? Come Ilya, let's get you home. We are inside my house; the small kitchen and damp walls are nothing compared to the luxury he lives in. sit let me make tea. I say I  will get changed first and will be back. I go to my room and change into my usual sweatpants’ and white jumper. I put on the kettle. so this is where you live. Ya, it's not exactly the nicest, but it’s home, which makes you appreciate what you have. So where is your mom? She is working at the grocery store; she does the night shift, considering it’s open 24 hours a day. Oh wow that’s a lot of commitment, so do you have a job? Ya, I work at the grocery store down the road, and I do some volunteering work, like making food packs for people less fortunate than me. Wow, you're busy, so did you do that today? Ya, but I had a shorter shift at the store, and I did the volunteering before I met you and your brother. The tea is ready. Do you want biscuits? What have you? Custard creams if that’s ok. Ya, perfect. I put some on a plate and brought the tea over. It’s a bit awkward for a while, but then it eases. So do you wanna hang out more, I say. Sure if you want. We spend at least an hour talking till I look at the time it's 12.00am. oh my god it’s so late. I need to get ready for school in the morning. Atlas will be wondering where I am he hates me. Why?. I don’t know actually he thinks I am scheming. You should go. Ok. See you around, he says. He leaves, and I close the door as he turns the corner. I go to bed that night thinking about what Mateo said to me. I had a nightmare that night. I was running, but I ended up in the sea almost drowning looking for Atlas. His voice was calling me, and I couldn’t see him. I woke up my lungs on fire. It was 2.00 am. I got up and changed into leggings and checked to see if mom was home, not yet still at the grocery store. I walk down to the store and see her eating a sandwich, she doesn’t see me. I walk down to the garden and sit on the bench. That’s when I start crying, the tears run down my cheeks and onto my leggings, I put my legs on the bench and put my head on my knees, I cry so hard howling like a baby. I can’t do this anymore. I tell scream snot, running down my nose, the tears soaking my leggings I can’t stop. I lie on the bench, tired from crying. I fall asleep. I wake up with a start shriving from the cold, Atlas is here, he doesn’t see me, I hear him arguing with someone I take a look, its Mateo they are behind the oak tree. I stay there oh crap I try to hold it in, but I can’t, and I sneeze so loudly, I try to muffle it, they turn around I go to the left side of the tree, they walk around it, we end up going in circles, till they stop and I end up bumping into Mateo he turns around I go to the other side, and walk straight into Atlas his hands end up on my waist. I put my hand on his mouth he looks surprised. Mateo is coming towards us, so I turn Atlas towards him and make a run for it, unfortunately with my luck I end up tripping over the hose and go flying straight to the bench I band my head off the side of the bench. I try to stand up but end up falling down, I grab the side of the bench Ilya they both say in sync I have to try not to laugh it eases the pain and the blood dripping down my face I sit down. Atlas rips a bit of his t-shirt and put’s it on my forehead. He sits next to me and Mateo on the other side. What were you doing here? I came here last night for some peace and quiet I ended up falling asleep so that’s my story, so what the hell are ye doing here?. We had to leave the castle because we were having a big argument about you. Oh my god can you two just grow up and stop fighting for two minutes I say my voice trembling I stand up, even though I am lightheaded, I can’t fight the tears and one rolls down my face, I walk towards to the oak tree. I sit down and cry again into my leggings, this time not as hard and quieter. I can feel them walking towards me. I get up too quickly, and the garden starts to spin. I feel sick. I start swaying. I feel Mateo’s arms holding me up, I vomit. The garden is still spinning, I feel him lift me up and bring me back to the bench. He puts me down, and I walk to the bench with his support. I see Atlas’s his face is red he looks like he is going to blow. How are you two so close he says coldly? He saved me from a situation, and then we started talking I say. Mateo, would you mind going to the shop to get a first aid kit? I say, looking at him pleadingly. Oh, right, of course. He leaves. Ok, now tell what’s up with you?. What do you mean? I say unsure of what he is asking. You're crying and staying all night. I needed to get out of the house, I felt a bit trapped, so I came here and I started crying, it’s just all a bit much. ok, but you could have told me, you know that’s what I am here for, you share I share ok, don’t hide anything again. Alright, I say. I put my head on his shoulder, and he put his arms around me. I look up at him he looks at me, and I kiss him. I sit up, he pulls me onto his lap, and we keep on kissing. Oh my god, my eyes. Atlas put’s me down, and we both are embarrassed. Here I  got the first aid kit, let me do it. Otherwise, my eyes will hurt with the way you two are. He puts the plaster on, and I get up to go. Woah, no way, Ilya. What what’s wrong, Atlas? You got sick and almost fainted. There is a known way you are going home that quickly, text your mom, and say you're staying at the palace. NO. give me your phone. Why? I will text her. Oh no, you won’t. I take my phone out of my pocket and wave it in the air above my head. Only if you can get it off me. I think you forgot I am taller than you. Would ye two get a room, actually I am out off here do what ye want, see you Ilya. Alright, Mateo. He try’s to snatch my phone from my hand, but I put it behind my back. He tries to grab it again, so I put it up in the air again. Ilya. Yes. Come closer. No. I give up, I swear. Ok ok you promise. I promise. He pulls me onto his lap. I kept my hand in the air just in case. He kisses me and wraps his arms around my waist, then he put’s his hand on mine and takes my phone. I try to pull away, but he puts his hand around my waist and keeps kissing me. He puts my phone on the bench and lifts me up, I wrap my legs around his waist. I pull away still in his arms. One question. Yes, Ilya. How can lift me up? I am son heavy. He puts me down. Ilya, he says affectionately, you are beautiful. He puts his hand on my face and kisses me gently he pushes his head to my forehead. So, about the message to your mother. I reach behind him to grab my phone. He grabs my hand. No way. But he cuts me off. No, I will text your mom. He grabs my phone, what’s your password? Wait, let me guess. I bet it’s my name. Atlas, no wait. He puts his name in, but it is wrong. I jump and wrap my legs around his waist and grab my phone. So, what’s the password. I'm not telling. Why? It's private, and I don’t know yours. I open my phone, and he grabs it. Hey, give it back now. Nope, not a chance. I try to get it, and he runs away. He hides behind the oak tree. I leave him there for a minute. Then I scream Atlas as loud as I can. He turn’s around, and he looks at me with a smirk on his face. Done all done. Atlas, I say, running towards him, give me back my phone, and know I stomp my foot. You look cute when you do that. Stop. I say I am fuming now. Hey, come on, it's not that bad. Atlas. Ilya, calm down. You get to stay with me he says, walking towards me. I stay standing where I am trying not to laugh because he has mud on his nose. He wraps his arms around my waist, I turn around and wipe the mud of his nose, I take his hands off my waist and take my phone and put it in my pocket. I hold his hands. Thanks, I say. For what texting your mom. No, for giving me a new view of life, you make me see that I can be someone. Thank you, Atlas. No problem, I know I am great. I laugh. Yes, you are that too. Ilya, you also gave me a new outlook on life. We hug. So, let’s go to the palace Atlas. Wait, really, seriously. Drag me there before I change, ok? Alright. He lifts me up. Put me down. Ok, sorry. I hold his hand, and we walk to the palace. We get to his room. I am so tired. I know it's been a long day, right Ilya. Yep, I take off my shoes and lie on his bed. He comes over and rolls over me to the other side of the bed. Ow. Oh, sorry didn’t see you there. So, mean I turn away. I fall asleep and have the same dream. I feel like I am drowning and can’t breathe. I wake up with a start sweating and spluttering for air, I look down he’s asleep, I get up carefully and go to the bathroom. I splash some water on my face and look in the mirror what’s happening to me. I walk out of the bathroom and sit down in one of the chairs. I check my phone and see its 2.00am, again the 2.00 am start. Atlas moves on the bed. I turn around and see he is awake, just lying there looking tired. Hey, I say as I walk over, you ok. Ya, he says weakly. You are sure. I help him up he’s pale. I hold him for a while. What’s wrong with you I ask gently. I get like this sometimes. Do you need anything?  Water. Ok, where will I find it? Just use the water from the bathroom. it's drinking water as well. Ya, I know  where will I find a cup. Ah yes, my water bottle is on my side. Ok,I put his head on a pillow and get the water. Here. Thanks. He drinks it quickly. Slow down. He finishes it. I put his head on my lap and rubbed his head gently. Ilya. Ya. Do you have any medical conditions. Ya,why? I just want to know. Ok,so I have asthma and mental health depression and anxiety. How about you? Asthma as well. Do you have an inhaler by any chance. Ya, its in the cupboard there. I take the brown one and have two puffs. Thanks ,I say. Can you get me the blue one. Yep, I give it to him, he takes two puffs. Now the brown one. Alright I hand it to him he takes two puffs. You feel better. Ya a bit better. Good. He sits up. Careful. We fall asleep he’s in my arms, and my head is against the headboard. I have the same dream, except this time it is more terrifying, as Atlas is in the water drowning, I try to swim to him, but I can’t reach him. I wake up with such a start sweating and caught for breath I bang my head against the bed board. I look down to see if Atlas is still there, he is not, I look around to see where he is. Hi. Oh, hi good morning I guess I say. You, ok? you look flustered and you’re sweating. Ya just a nightmare. Must have been intense. Ya it was. I get up and put my feet on the ground, and forget how high up the bed was, I stumble of the bed. You ok.  Ya. I pick myself off the floor and walk to the chair next to Atlas. So how are you? Ya feeling better. Good. Why did you get out of bed in the first place? I had a nightmare. Another one. Yes, I know, it’s recurring except every time it gets worse. You know if you tell some one a nightmare they go away. Ya, I know except I am not telling you so don’t ask. Jeez I didn’t mean to upset you. Sorry about that I didn’t mean it. Ok its fine don’t worry. So what are we doing today Atlas? Oh I don’t know you tell me he says coming closer, I stand up and back away he comes closer, my legs bang against the bed and I fall onto the bed, he grabs my legs and puts them on the bed, and pushes me over and lies next to me. You ok. Ya so what are we going to do today, Ilya? I don’t know you decide. He rolls over and looks me in the eyes. I think we should stay here and talk. Oh no don’t even try. I try to get up, but he rolls over and pins me down. I lift up my knee and kick where it hurts. Ow. That’s what you get for pinning me down. You could at least have warned me. Nah would have been too obvious. I leave him on the bed and roll over and get up and sit on chair and examine my nails. He gets up after a while. You feeling better? A bit. but why would did you do that? Not telling. I need an explanation he says towering over me. I’m not ready for that kind of stuff happy I say looking away. What’s wrong with you today? all hot and cold. I want to get chocolate; do you happen to have some? Ya why? I am craving it, let’s go. Alright. we walk down the hall holding hands. Can we stop here? Sure. I sit down my back against the wall, he stays standing up. You, ok? Yep. Sure, first hot, and cold, then cravings and now cramps what’s going on? You really don’t know do you I say trying not to laugh. Um no I am not a girl. Take a guess. I dunno. It’s PMS. Oh yes crap, my girlfriends gonna be moody for a while he laughs. Hey, don’t say that, anyway, let’s get chocolate now. Ok. We reach the kitchen, and we go to the pantry. Here’s your chocolate he says taking it of the top shelf. Oh, Milka my Favourite. Nice mine to. We go back to his room. I sit on one of the chairs and begin to eat my chocolate, just as I was to take a bite, I remember something. Wait I say. What? Do you have a scrunchie for my hair. No? and by the way it’s on your wrist.  I look down, oh oops. I put my chocolate down and tie up my hair. At last. Atlas looks up from his phone, hey can I have some? Absolutely no. ok. I finish my chocolate. Yum. I get up and lie on his bed. Tired?  Yes, I am tired. Ok I won’t bother you anymore. I fall asleep and have the same dream. I wake up feeling dizzy sweating and caught for breath. Ilya you alright? He says urgently. Ya just a nightmare. Ok now you must tell me what’s going on you look pale. It’s fine I am fine. No, you are not. I get up ignoring him and walk to the bathroom just as I was closing the door, he slides in. so what’s s going on? I back away but he comes closer, I bang my head against the wall. Ow I rub the back of my head I step forward and go sliding straight into Atlas’s chest. Ow. Sorry. It’s fine. He wraps his hands around my waist and holds me close. We walk out to his room. he kisses me in the middle of his room. suddenly the door opens, and his dad is standing behind us he drops my hand, and we stop kissing. We turn around his dad looks angry really angry. Atlas, he roars. He holds my hand tight. Don’t worry Ilya he says quietly. Get out he says to me. I try to let go off his hand, but he squeezes it to keep me from going. Let go of her now he says angrily coming towards us. Not a chance. He pushes me behind me loosing his grip on my hand, I pull away and run from his room, I look back and see him looking at me with angry eyes. I get to the gates and run to the garden Mateo is there. I told you I would get rid of ye he says smirking. I walk straight up to him blinded by rage and slap him across the face so hard it leaves a red mark on his face. I walk away but he grabs my hand and pulls me into his chest. He hugs me what the hell. I put my hands on his chest and push him away. I realise I made a mistake and run back to the palace I get there in time. Ilya. Atlas. I hug him. I am leaving for a bit. What! I will come back I promise. He kisses me. Then gets into the car and leaves. I sit down on the ground in shock. Ilya. Mateo what the hell. Leave now I hear the kings voice behind me. I get up and run past him to my house, once I am in the door I go straight to my room and cry.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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