Venom di amor

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Why did I get my hopes up?
They were right.
I am not worthy of love.

No one will ever love you Sanji.
No one will ever love me.

I shouldn't care.
But what can I do? I am a hopeless romantic afterall.
I punch my pillow and imagine the mosshead's brutal face inplace.
Can I wake up tomorrow?
The only thing worse than getting up, is to stay here and mourn myself to death.
It's not like this is the first time I'm getting rejected? But why does it feel so mutch worse when it's Zoro?
I went and fell for him faster than anyone would have guessed.

I couldn't sleep the whole night.
Next morning I was supposed to cook food for the crew. I can't let my emotions limit my obligations.

I make the breakfast and silently observe from my seat as everyone chuncks their pieces down their hungry throats. I tried my best to avoid Zoro's green gaze.
For some reason I started to feel really bad.

I leave the kitchen without uttering a word. I run to the wing of Sunny and trow up to the sea. I never vomit what the fuck is going on?
I started feeling even worse. Something was wrong with me. I couldn't stand. My vision got blurry and my head hurt like it was craved with thousand knifes. That is when I saw it again, the cracks.
The blurry vision vanished and it was replaced by perfectly clear view of the surroundings, only with the excpection that there were deep black cracks everywhere.
These are the same cracks I saw on the winter island.
I tried my best to ignore the cracks as I tried to crawl to the bathroom. I didn't want the others to see me like this, expecially not Zoro.
Finally when I arrived to the bathroom I trew up again.
My hands were shaking and I fell to the floor.
My mind was empty.
Is it the cigarettes? Have they finalky caught up to me? Or is it something else? Maybe I should talk to Chopper about this.
I stood myself up, but when I looked to the mirror, my heart stopped.
My hair.....

It was dark black, like a void that sucked all light to it. My eye was..... electric-blue!
What in the world is happening to me?
I started caughing hard. I bent down on my knees. It hurt my guts.
I was caughing up blood!

Even I know that this is no time for jokes. I need to talk to Chooper right now.
But..... there is also one slightly unpleasent opinion I have to consider.
Could this be the Northern venom di amor?

"C-Chopper I need to s-speak with you in private. I w-will be in your office", I said and finished the encounter with a caught. Chopper left his plate (whitch was emptied down by the captain a nanosecond after). As ordered, Chopper ran right behind me. "Y-you could have finished your meal beforehand", I point out. "Your wellbeing is more important than me enjoying the meal", Chopper explained.

I laid down on the bed after trowing up again. "So what are your symptoms?" Chopper questions. "My eyes changed color and so did my hair. I feel nautios, I am caughing up blood and I am seeing cracks", I explain. "What do you mean by 'cracks'?" The doctor asks. "Like the universe was falling apart", I explained.
"I am going to get Robin. I need to discuss this with her", Chopper said. I could interpret his tone as panicked.

~Robin pov

"Why is Sanji's hair black?" Nami asked the moment Chopper fleed from the kitchen. Zoro was hiding his guilty expression behind his plate.
I know everything that happens on this ship. I know that Zoro broke Sanji's heart with his clumsiness.
"If you'll excuse me", I apologised as I went back to my room to get my book.

I am sure it was somewhere around here.... jackpot!
"The oddest diseases you might catch in the new world"
Surely an eye-catching headline for a literature work. I started scrolling the pages.

Venom di amor

This unic disease can only appear on those with royal genetics from the North Blue. The symptoms of this ailment are:
- visions of cracks
-hair and eyes changing color
- nausea

This must be it!
"ROBIN HERE YOU ARE!" Chopper cried as he jumped to my feet. "There is something seriously wrong with Sanji. Do you remember the book we read together on the odd diseases that appear in the new world?" Chopper cried. "Yes Chopper, I know. I already picked on what the cook's disease must be. I marked the page for you", I tell the reindeer. "Thank you Robin!" Chopper thanks.

"If one catches this disease, the death will be slow and painfull. The only medicine is to either receive love back from the target of one's affection, or to fall out of love. For some patients, sexual intercourse with other people has helped. If nothing is done, the patient will die due to their heart cracking. The cracking process is slow and it can be slowed down with medication, but it won't cure the disease".
Chopper read. "Where did Sanji get this?" I ponder. "It says here that if you have a mixture of mental and physical health issues and you fall in love, the emotions might be too much on the body. But the reaction is caused by the gene 69-xxp that appears among the north blue's royal family members. Falling in love with someone, who won't feel the same, in The new world causes the gene to mutate", Chopper finishes.
"The mutation will lead the heart to crack to pieces. Robin..... what can we do?" Chopper cried. I need to think this rationally.
The easiest way to get this situation fixed is to talk to Zoro. "You go prepare the medicine and give it to him. We don't know how much time we have left so there is not even a second to lose. I have a certain swordsman I need to chat with", I give my orders.

Is it the wine? ~ZosanWhere stories live. Discover now